Part VI. Working with holdings data
Table of Contents
14. Using the Item Status interface
Accessing the Item Status interface
Through the Search menu
Through the Circulation menu
From the OPAC view
Specific fields
Active date
Printing spine labels
Turning off print headers and footers in Firefox
Turning off print headers and footers in Chrome
Creating spine labels
15. Using the Holdings Editor
Specific fields
Acquisitions Cost
Item Number
Accessing the Holdings Editor by barcode
Accessing the holdings editor from a catalog record
Hiding Fields in the Holdings Editor
16. Working with holdings templates
Creating a new holdings template
Using a holdings template
17. Monograph Parts
Add a Monograph Part to an Existing Record
Monograph Part Merging
18. Item Buckets
Managing Item Buckets
Creating Item Buckets
Editing Item Buckets
Sharing Item Buckets
Deleting Item Buckets
Adding Copies to a Bucket
From the Item Bucket Interface
From a Catalogue Search
From the Scan Item Interface
Removing Copies from a Bucket
Editing Copies in a Bucket
Deleting Copies from the Catalogue
Placing Holds on Copies in a Bucket
Transferring Copies to Volumes
19. Item Tags
Adding Existing Item Tags to Items
Creating and Applying a Item Tag During Cataloging
Removing Item Tags from Items
Adding Item Tags to Items in Batch
Searching Item Tags
Digital Bookplate Search Field
Keyword Search
20. Conjoined Items
Using the Conjoined Items Feature