Part IV. System Configuration and Customization

Table of Contents

25. Introduction
26. Describing your organization
Organization Unit Types
Create and edit Organization Unit Types
Organizational Units
Remove or edit default Organizational Units
Create and edit Organizational Units
Organizational Unit data
After Changing Organization Unit Data
27. Describing your people
Setting the staff user’s working location
Comparing approaches for managing permissions
Managing permissions in the staff client
Where to find existing permissions and what they mean
Where to find existing Permission Groups
Adding or removing permissions from a Permission Group
Managing role-based permission groups in the staff client
Secondary Group Permissions
Managing role-based permission groups in the database
28. Migrating Patron Data
Creating an sql Script for Importing Patrons
Batch Updating Patron Data
29. Migrating from a legacy system
Making electronic resources visible in the catalog
Migrating your bibliographic records
Migrating your call numbers, copies, and parts
30. Importing materials in the staff client
Staff client batch record imports
When to use the MARC Batch Importer
Record Match Sets
Create Match Sets
Quality Metrics
Import Item Attributes
Overlay/Merge Profiles
Importing the records
31. Ordering materials
When should libraries use acquisitions?
Managing Funds
Funding Sources (Required)
Funds (Required)
Fund Tags (Optional)
Providers (Required)
Distribution Formulas (Optional)
Helpful acquisitions Library Settings
Preparing for order record loading
Preparing to send electronic orders from Evergreen
32. Designing your catalog
Configuring and customizing the public interface
Locating the default template files
Mapping templates to URLs
How to override template files
Configuring the custom templates directory in Apache’s eg.conf
Adjusting colors for your public interface
Adjusting fonts in your public interface
Media file locations in the public interface
Changing some text in the public interface
Adding translations to PO file
Adding and removing MARC fields from the record details display page
Setting the default physical location for your library environment
Setting a default language and adding optional languages
Updating translations in Evergreen using current translations from Launchpad
Change Date Format in Patron Account View
Including External Content in Your Public Interface
Content Café
Google Analytics
SFX OpenURL Resolver
Syndetic Solutions
Clear External/Added Content Cache
Configure a Custom Image for Missing Images
Including Locally Hosted Content in Your Public Interface
File Location and Format
33. Designing the patron search experience
Editing the formats select box options in the search interface
Adding and removing search fields in advanced search
Changing the display of facets and facet groups
Facilitating search scope changes
34. Borrowing items: who, what, for how long
Data elements that affect your circulation policies
Copy data
Copy location data
User data
Circulation Rules
Circulation Limit Sets
Creating Circulation Policies
Best practices for creating policies
Settings Relevant to Circulation
35. Hard due dates
Creating a hard due date
36. TPac Configuration and Customization
Template toolkit documentation
Perl modules used directly by TPAC
Default templates
Apache configuration files
TPAC CSS and media files
Mapping templates to URLs
How to override templates
Defining multiple layers of overrides
Changing some text in the TPAC
37. Creating a New Skin: the Bare Minimum
Apache directives
Customizing templates
38. Auto Suggest in Catalog Search
Enabling this Feature
Using this Feature
39. Authentication Proxy
40. Kid’s OPAC Configuration
XML Configuration File
Skin Configuration
Considerations for Community Adoption
Outstanding Development (Unsponsored)
41. Patron Address City/State/County Pre-Populate by ZIP Code
Scoping and Permissions
Setup Steps
Step 1 - Setup Data File
Step 2 - Enable Feature
Step 3 - Test
ZIP Code Data
Manual Entry Data
Commercial Data
Existing Patron Database
42. Module
Adding Parameters
Skipping patrons with email notification of holds
Using the ws_ou parameter
Automating the download
43. SIP Server
About the SIP Protocol
Installing the SIP Server
Getting the code
Configuring the Server
Adding SIP Users
Running the server
Testing Your SIP Connection
More Testing
SIP Communication
01 Block Patron
09/10 Checkin
11/12 Checkout
15/16 Hold
17/18 Item Information
19/20 Item Status Update
23/24 Patron Status
25/26 Patron Enable
29/30 Renew
35/36 End Session
37/38 Fee Paid
63/64 Patron Information
65/66 Renew All
93/94 Login
97/96 Resend
99/98 SC and ACS Status
Patron privacy and the SIP protocol
SIP server configuration
SSH tunnels on SIP clients
44. Apache Rewrite Tricks
Short URLs
Domain Based Content with RewriteMaps
45. Apache Access Handler Perl Module
Use Cases
Proxying Websites
46. ebook_api service
47. hold-targeter service
48. Backing up your Evergreen System
Database backups
Creating logical database backups
Restoring from logical database backups
Creating physical database backups with support for point-in-time recovery
Creating a replicated database