Creating an sql Script for Importing Patrons

The procedure for importing patron can be automated with the help of an sql script. Follow these steps to create an import script:

  1. Create an new file and name it import.sql
  2. Edit the file to look similar to this:

    -- Create staging table.
    CREATE TABLE students (
        student_id int, barcode text, last_name text, first_name text, email text, address_type text,
                street1 text, street2 text, city text, province text, country text, postal_code text, phone
                text, profile int, ident_type int, home_ou int, claims_returned_count int DEFAULT 0, usrname text,
        net_access_level int DEFAULT 2, password text

    --Copy records from your import text file
    COPY students (student_id, last_name, first_name, email, address_type, street1, street2, city, province,
        country, postal_code, phone, password)
        FROM '/home/opensrf/patrons.csv' WITH CSV HEADER;

    --Insert records from the staging table into the actor.usr table.
    INSERT INTO actor.usr (
        profile, usrname, email, passwd, ident_type, ident_value, first_given_name, family_name,
        day_phone, home_ou, claims_returned_count, net_access_level)
        SELECT profile, students.usrname, email, password, ident_type, student_id, first_name,
        last_name, phone, home_ou, claims_returned_count, net_access_level FROM students;

    --Insert records from the staging table into the actor.usr table.
    INSERT INTO actor.card (usr, barcode)
        SELECT, students.barcode
        FROM students
                INNER JOIN actor.usr
                        ON students.usrname = actor.usr.usrname;

    --Update actor.usr.card field with to associate active card with the user:
    UPDATE actor.usr
        SET card =
        FROM actor.card
        WHERE actor.card.usr =;

    --INSERT records INTO actor.usr_address from staging table.
    INSERT INTO actor.usr_address (usr, street1, street2, city, state, country, post_code)
        SELECT, students.street1, students.street2,, students.province,, students.postal_code
        FROM students
        INNER JOIN actor.usr ON students.usrname = actor.usr.usrname;

   --Update actor.usr mailing address with id from actor.usr_address table.:
    UPDATE actor.usr
        SET mailing_address =, billing_address =
        FROM actor.usr_address
        WHERE = actor.usr_address.usr;


Placing the sql statements between BEGIN; and COMMIT; creates a transaction block so that if any sql statements fail, the entire process is canceled and the database is rolled back to its original state. Lines beginning with — are comments to let you you what each sql statement is doing and are not processed.