Chapter 43. SIP Server

Table of Contents

About the SIP Protocol
Installing the SIP Server
Getting the code
Configuring the Server
Adding SIP Users
Running the server
Testing Your SIP Connection
More Testing
SIP Communication
01 Block Patron
09/10 Checkin
11/12 Checkout
15/16 Hold
17/18 Item Information
19/20 Item Status Update
23/24 Patron Status
25/26 Patron Enable
29/30 Renew
35/36 End Session
37/38 Fee Paid
63/64 Patron Information
65/66 Renew All
93/94 Login
97/96 Resend
99/98 SC and ACS Status
Patron privacy and the SIP protocol
SIP server configuration
SSH tunnels on SIP clients

About the SIP Protocol

SIP, standing for Standard Interchange Protocol, was developed by the 3M corporation to be a common protocol for data transfer between ILS' (referred to in SIP as an ACS, or Automated Circulation System) and a third party device. Originally, the protocol was developed for use with 3M SelfCheck (often abbreviated SC, not to be confused with Staff Client) systems, but has since expanded to other companies and devices. It is now common to find SIP in use in several other vendors' SelfCheck systems, as well as other non-SelfCheck devices. Some examples include:

  • Patron Authentication (computer access, subscription databases)
  • Automated Material Handling (AMH)

    • The automated sorting of items, often to bins or book carts, based on shelving location or other programmable criteria