Evergreen Documentation

Documentation Interest Group

Table of Contents

I. Introduction
1. About This Documentation
2. About Evergreen
II. Evergreen 2.6 Release Notes
3. Upgrade notes
4. New Features
5. Bug Fixes
Set resource limits for Clark Kent
6. Acknowledgments
III. Software Installation
7. Introduction
8. System Requirements
Server Minimum Requirements
Staff Client Requirements
9. Installing the Evergreen server
Preamble: referenced user accounts
Preamble: developer instructions
Installing prerequisites
Configuration and compilation instructions
Installation instructions
Change ownership of the Evergreen files
Additional Instructions for Developers
Configure the Apache Web server
Configure OpenSRF for the Evergreen application
Creating the Evergreen database
Starting Evergreen
Testing connections to Evergreen
Getting help
10. Installing the Staff Client
Installing on Windows
Installing on Linux
Registering a Workstation
Removing Staff Client Preferences
11. Upgrading the Evergreen Server
Software Prerequisites
Upgrade the Evergreen code
Upgrade the Evergreen database schema
Restart Evergreen and Test
12. Setting Up EDI Acquisitions
IV. System Configuration and Customization
13. Introduction
14. Describing your organization
Organization Unit Types
Organizational Units
15. Describing your people
Setting the staff user’s working location
Comparing approaches for managing permissions
Managing permissions in the staff client
Managing role-based permission groups in the database
16. Migrating Patron Data
Creating an sql Script for Importing Patrons
Batch Updating Patron Data
17. Migrating from a legacy system
Making electronic resources visible in the catalog
Migrating your bibliographic records
Migrating your call numbers, copies, and parts
18. Importing materials in the staff client
Staff client batch record imports
19. Ordering materials
When should libraries use acquisitions?
Managing Funds
20. Designing your catalog
Configuring and customizing the public interface
Setting the default physical location for your library environment
Setting a default language and adding optional languages
Editing the formats select box options in the search interface.
Adding and removing search fields in advanced search
Changing the display of facets and facet groups
Including External Content in Your Public Interface
Including Locally Hosted Content in Your Public Interface
Troubleshooting TPAC errors
21. Borrowing items: who, what, for how long
Data elements that affect your circulation policies
Circulation Rules
Creating Circulation Policies
22. Hard due dates
Creating a hard due date
23. TPac Configuration and Customization
Template toolkit documentation
Perl modules used directly by TPAC
Default templates
Apache configuration files
TPAC CSS and media files
Mapping templates to URLs
How to override templates
Changing some text in the TPAC
24. Creating a New Skin: the Bare Minimum
Apache directives
Customizing templates
25. Auto Suggest in Catalog Search
Enabling this Feature
Using this Feature
26. Authentication Proxy
27. Kid’s OPAC Configuration
Considerations for Community Adoption
Outstanding Development (Unsponsored)
28. Customizable Toolbar
Configure Toolbar
29. Patron Address City/State/County Pre-Populate by ZIP Code
Scoping and Permissions
Setup Steps
ZIP Code Data
30. Phonelist.pm Module
Adding Parameters
Skipping patrons with email notification of holds
Using the ws_ou parameter
Automating the download
31. SIP Server
Installing the SIP Server
SIP Communication
V. Using the Staff Client
32. Introduction
33. Logging in to Evergreen
Standalone Interface
Preset Tabs in Evergreen Client
Auto Login
Logging Out
34. Button Bar/Toolbar
35. Check-boxes
36. Tab Buttons
37. New Options for Double Clicking
Double Click to Retrieve a Patron’s Record
Double Click to Retrieve Item Attributes
38. Patron Border Color Enhancement
39. Sorting Columns
Sorting the On Shelf Pull List
Sorting Circulation Policies
40. Column Picker
41. Recent Staff Searches
Administrative Settings
Recent Staff Searches
42. Return to Search Results from MARC Record
43. Workstation Administration
Copy Editor: Copy Location Name First
Font and Sound Settings
Select Hotkeys
Configure Printers
Receipt Template Editor
Customizable Toolbar
VI. System Administration From the Staff Client
44. Introduction
45. Acquisitions Administration
Acquisitions Settings
Cancel/Suspend reasons
Currency Types
Distribution Formulas
Electronic Data Interchange
Exchange Rates
MARC Federated Search
Fund Tags
Funding Sources
Invoice menus
Line Item Features
46. Authorities
Authority Control Sets
Authority Fields
Browse Axes
OPAC Searching of Authorities
47. Best-Hold Selection Sort Order
Preconfigured Best-Hold Orders
Create a New Best-Hold Selection Sort Order
Edit an Existing Best-Hold Selection Sort Order
Choosing the Best-Hold Selection Sort Order
Permissions to use this Feature
48. Call Number Prefixes and Suffixes
Configure call number prefixes
Configure call number suffixes
Apply Call Number Prefixes and Suffixes
49. Circulation Limit Sets
Maximum Checkout by Copy Location
50. Booking Module Administration
Creating Bookable Non-Bibliographic Resources
Editing Non-Bibliographic Resources
Deleting Non-bibliographic Resources
51. Floating Groups
Floating Groups
Floating Group Members
52. MARC Import Remove Fields
Create a MARC Import Remove Fields profile
Import Options
Permissions to use this Feature
53. MARC Record Attributes
Multi Valued Fields and Composite Record Attributes
54. Org Unit Proximity Adjustments
Org Unit Proximity Adjustments
Absolute and Relative Adjustments
Create an Org Unit Proximity Adjustment
Permissions to use this Feature
55. User and Group Permissions
Staff Accounts
56. SMS Text Messaging
Administrative Setup
Receiving Holds Notices via Text Message
Sending Copy Locations via Text Message
57. User Activity Types
Enabling this Feature
Using this Feature
58. Z39.50 Servers
Restrict Z39.50 Sources by Permission Group
Storing Z39.50 Server Credentials
VII. Local Administration
59. Introduction
60. Address Alert
General Usage Examples
Access Control and Scoping
Adding a new Address Alert
Editing an Address Alert
Deleting an Address Alert
Staff View of Address Alerts
Regular Expressions / Wildcards
61. Hold-driven recalls
Enabling hold-driven recalls
Editing the item recall notification email template
62. Action Triggers
Event Definitions
Creating Action Triggers
Processing Action Triggers
63. Recent Staff Searches
64. Library Settings Editor
Fine Accrual on Closed Dates
Target Copies for Holds at Closed Libraries
Auto Override Patron Hold Events
Org Unit Hiding in TPAC
Accepting payments with Stripe
Add granular settings for requiring staff initials for notes
65. Standing Penalties
66. Statistical Categories Editor
67. Work Log
Expanding the Work Log
VIII. Acquisitions
68. Acquisitions
Acquisitions Workflow
69. Selection Lists and Purchase Orders
Selection Lists
Purchase Orders
Brief Records
MARC Federated Search
Line Items
70. Invoices
Creating invoices and adding line items
Electronic Invoicing
View an invoice
Receive Items From an Invoice
71. Load MARC Order Records
Basic Upload Options
Record Matching Options
Default Upload Settings
Sticky Settings
Use Cases for MARC Order Upload form
IX. Cataloging
72. Introduction
73. MARC Fixed Field Editor Right-Click Context Menu Options
74. MARC 007 Field Physical Characteristics Wizard
75. Batch Importing MARC Records
Record Display Attributes
Record Match Sets
Import Records
Default Values for Item Import
Importing Authority Records from the Staff Client
76. Overlay Existing Catalog Record via Z39.50 Import
77. Z39.50 Search Enhancements
78. Monograph Parts
Add a monograph part to an existing record
79. Conjoined Items
Using the Conjoined Items Feature
80. Cataloging Electronic Resources — Finding Them in Catalog Searches
Adding a Located URI to the Record
Using Transcendent Bib Sources for Electronic Resources
81. MARC Batch Edit
Action (Rule Type)
Other Template Fields
82. Link Checker
Search for URLs
View Your Results
Manage Your Sessions
X. Serials
83. Serials
Serial Control View vs. Alternate Serial Control View
MFHD Records
84. Copy Template for Serials
Create a copy template
Edit a copy template
85. Serials Control View
Create a Subscription
Create a Distribution
Create Captions and Patterns
Creating an Issuance
Generate Prediction
86. Alternate Serial Control View
Creating a Subscription
Creating a Distribution
Creating a Stream
Creating a Caption and Pattern
Creating an Issuance
Generate Item Predictions
87. Edit Subscriptions
Serials Control View
Alternate Serials Control View
88. Receiving
Serials Control View Receiving
Batch Receiving
89. Special Issues
90. Holdings
System Generated Holdings Statement
MARC Format for Holdings Display (MFHD)
91. Group Serials Issues in the Template Toolkit OPAC
Displaying Issues in the OPAC
XI. Circulation
92. Introduction
93. Circulating Items
Check Out (F1)
Check In (F2)
Renewal and Editing the Item’s Due Date
Marking Items Lost and Claimed Returned
In-house Use (F6)
Item Status (F5)
Mark an Item Long Overdue
94. Holds Management
Placing Holds
Holds Levels
Title Level Hold
Parts Level Hold
Placing Holds in Patron Records
Managing Holds
Alternate Hold Pick up Location
Display Hold Types on Pull Lists
95. Booking Module
Creating a Booking Reservation
Reservation Pull List
Capturing Items for Reservations
Picking Up Reservations
Returning Reservations
Cancelling a Reservation
96. Circulation - Patron Record
Searching Patrons
Registering New Patrons
Patron Self-Registration
Updating Patron Information
Renewing Library Cards
Lost Library Cards
Resetting Patron’s Password
Barring a Patron
Barred vs. Blocked
Staff-Generated Messages
Patron Alerts
Patron Notes
Staff-Generated Penalties/Messages
Merging Patron Records
Bills and Payments
Disable Patron Credit in Billing Interface
Lost and Long Overdue Bill Colors
97. Triggered Events and Notices
Access and View
98. Offline Transactions
Patron Registration
Checking Out Items
In-house Use
Check In
Uploading Offline Transactions
99. Self checkout
Initializing the self check
Checking out or renewing items in the self check
100. RFID Product Integration
Evergreen Integration with PV Supa GoodStuff RFID Reader
XII. Reports
101. Introduction
102. Starting and Stopping the Reporter Daemon
Starting the Reporter Daemon
Stopping the Reporter Daemon
103. Folders
Creating Folders
Managing Folders
104. Creating Templates
Choosing Report Fields
Applying Filters
105. Generating Reports from Templates
106. Viewing Report Output
107. Cloning Shared Templates
108. Adding Data Sources to Reporter
Create a PostgreSQL query, view, or table for your data source
Add a new class to fm_IDL.xml for your data source
Restart the affected services to see the new data source in the reporter
109. Running Recurring Reports
110. Template Terminology
Data Types
Field Transforms
111. Exporting Report Templates Using phpPgAdmin
Dump the Entire Reports Template Table
Dump Data with an SQL Statement
XIII. Using the Public Access Catalog
112. Introduction
113. Using the Public Access Catalog
Basic Search
Advanced Search
Boolean operators
Search Tips
Search Methodology
Search URL
Search Results
My Account
114. My Lists
115. Kids OPAC
Choose a Skin
Search the Catalog
Place a Hold
Save Items to a List
Third Party Content
Configuration Files
116. Catalog Browse
117. Bibliographic Search Enhancements
Use the Catalog to Retrieve Records with Specified Date Ranges:
Use a Feed to Retrieve Records with Specified Date Ranges:
118. Binary MARC21 Feeds
119. TPAC Metarecord Search and Metarecord Level Holds
120. Library Information Pages
121. Adding OpenSearch to Firefox browser
122. Adding an Evergreen search form to a web page
XIV. Developer Resources
123. Introduction
124. Support Scripts
marc_export: Exporting Bibliographic Records into MARC files
Importing Authority Records from Command Line
125. Developing with pgTAP tests
Setting up pgTAP on your development server
Running pgTAP tests
126. Easing gently into OpenSRF
Introducing OpenSRF
Enough jibber-jabber: writing an OpenSRF service
Getting under the covers with OpenSRF
Evergreen-specific OpenSRF services
Evergreen after one year: reflections on OpenSRF
Appendix: Python client
127. Updating translations using Launchpad
Updating the translations
A. Attributions
B. Licensing
C. Admonitions

List of Tables

17.1. 856 field for electronic resources: indicators and subfields
30.1. Parameters for the phonelist program:
30.2. Columns in the holds CSV file:
30.3. Columns in the overdues CSV file:
60.1. New Address Alert Fields
83.1. Serials Control View and Alternate Serials Control View Comparison
113.1. Boolean symbolic operators