Chapter 115. Kids OPAC

Table of Contents

Choose a Skin
Search the Catalog
Place a Hold
Save Items to a List
Third Party Content
Configuration Files

The Kids OPAC (KPAC) is a public catalog search that was designed for children and teens. Colorful menu items,large buttons, and simple navigation make this an appealing search interface for kids. Librarians will appreciate the flexible configuration of the KPAC. Librarians can create links to canned search results for kids and can apply these links by branch. The KPAC uses the same infrastructure as the Template Toolkit OPAC (TPAC), the adult catalog search, so you can easily extend the KPAC using the code that already exists in the TPAC. Finally, third party content, such as reader reviews, can be integrated into the KPAC.

Choose a Skin

Two skins, or design interfaces, have been created for the KPAC. The KPAC was designed to run multiple skins on a single web server. A consortium, then, could allow each library system to choose a skin for their patrons.

Default Skin:

In this skin, the search bar is the focal point of the top panel and is centered on the screen. The search grid appears beneath the search bar. Help and Login links appear at the top right of the interface. You can customize the appearance and position of these links with CSS. After you login, the user name is displayed in the top right corner, and the Login link becomes an option to Logout.


Alternate Monster Skin:

In this skin, the search bar shares the top panel with a playful monster. The search grid appears beneath the search bar. Help and Login links appear in bold colors at the top right of the interface although you can customize these with CSS. After you login, the Login button disappears.
