Chapter 15. Installing the Evergreen server

Table of Contents

Preamble: referenced user accounts
Preamble: developer instructions
Installing prerequisites
Extra steps for web staff client
Install dependencies for web staff client
Install AngularJS files for web staff client
Install Angular files for web staff client
Configuration and compilation instructions
Installation instructions
Change ownership of the Evergreen files
Run ldconfig
Additional Instructions for Developers
Configure the Apache Web server
Configure OpenSRF for the Evergreen application
Configure action triggers for the Evergreen application
Creating the Evergreen database
Setting up the PostgreSQL server
Creating the Evergreen database and schema
Loading sample data
Creating the database on a remote server
Starting Evergreen
Testing connections to Evergreen
Getting help

Preamble: referenced user accounts

In subsequent sections, we will refer to a number of different accounts, as follows:

  • Linux user accounts:

    • The user Linux account is the account that you use to log onto the Linux system as a regular user.
    • The root Linux account is an account that has system administrator privileges. On Debian you can switch to this account from your user account by issuing the su - command and entering the password for the root account when prompted. On Ubuntu you can switch to this account from your user account using the sudo su - command and entering the password for your user account when prompted.
    • The opensrf Linux account is an account that you create when installing OpenSRF. You can switch to this account from the root account by issuing the su - opensrf command.
    • The postgres Linux account is created automatically when you install the PostgreSQL database server. You can switch to this account from the root account by issuing the su - postgres command.
  • PostgreSQL user accounts:

    • The evergreen PostgreSQL account is a superuser account that you will create to connect to the PostgreSQL database server.
  • Evergreen administrator account:

    • The egadmin Evergreen account is an administrator account for Evergreen that you will use to test connectivity and configure your Evergreen instance.