Chapter 7. Evergreen 3.0.9

Table of Contents

Bug fixes

This release contains bug fixes improving on Evergreen 3.0.8. Note that all bug fixes refer to the web staff client unless otherwise specified.

Bug fixes

  • Fixes specific cases in which deleted records appear in search results.
  • Fixes a performance issue with deleting patrons.
  • The hold shelf dialog popup now lists the patron’s notification preferences.
  • Fixes an issue that prevented editing items when a monograph part is present.
  • Patron information is now available for use in the bills_current and bills_historical receipt templates.
  • The browser’s "This page may contain unsaved data" warning now appears when users click the update expire date button in a patron account and attempt to navigate away without saving.
  • The holds tab of the patron record now includes a monograph part column.
  • The barcode box in the checkout screen no longer hovers above patron record tabs when staff users scroll down.
  • Fixes an issue with the date of birth in the patron edit scren.
  • Fixes an issue with the dropdown of billing type options.
  • The Item Status screen now includes as a floating group column.