Table of Contents
\t \o /tmp/luri_visibility_update.sql SELECT 'UPDATE biblio.record_entry SET ' || 'vis_attr_vector = biblio.calculate_bib_visibility_attribute_set(id) ' || 'WHERE id = ' || id || '; SELECT ' || id || ';' FROM biblio.record_entry WHERE id IN ( SELECT DISTINCT cn.record FROM asset.call_number cn WHERE NOT cn.deleted AND cn.label = '##URI##' AND EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM asset.uri_call_number_map m WHERE m.call_number = ) UNION SELECT id FROM biblio.record_entry WHERE source IS NOT NULL ); \o \t \i /tmp/luri_visibility_update.sql
It will output the id of each updated bib so that the script can be killed and then edited to remove completed bibs. The remainder can be run at a later time.
When the internal flag ingest.reingest.force_on_same_marc is enabled, we do NOT update the bib’s visibility attributes, as doing so causes a loop and an eventual trigger stack violation. This flag should ONLY be used when forcing reingest of record attributes (NOT visibility attributes), search, facet, and display fields, so if using this flag under normal operation, proceed at your own risk and know that Located URI and bib source changes will not be reflected in the visibility attributes of the record.