Chapter 4. Evergreen 3.0.12
This release contains bug fixes improving on Evergreen 3.0.11.
All bug fixes refer to the web staff client unless otherwise specified.
Fixes an issue that caused catalog searches to fail after a new library was added to the org tree.
When you mouse over a grid cell in the client, a tooltip will display the full contents of the cell.
Fixes issues with columns in the Item Status, Holdings View, Checkout, Patron Bill, Recent Circ History,
Fixes various misspellings and capitalization issues in the interface.
Circulation staff can now override a patron block that is placed from Messages/Apply Penalty.
Fixes an issue with checking in hourly loans.
Staff can now approve pending patron addresses in the patron edit interface.
Prevents patron records from being merged with themselves.
Fixes a bug where the patron card dialog would not allow the user to change the primary barcode under certain circumstances.
Fixes issues with duplicate transit records.
Adds the transit cancel time to the Most Recent Transits section of the Item Status Holds / Transit tab.
Improvements to the Item Attribute Editor.
Staff can now set a default search box in the Z39.50 search interface.
Staff can now delete copy notes.
Fixes an issue in which transferring items and vol/items caused statistical categories to disappear.
In the MARC editor, the 007 physical characteristics wizard now has a different icon than the authority linker.
Protects backordered acquisitions items from having their catalog items deleted.
Fixes problems that occur when cloning a report template created in the XUL client.
Fixes bugs that caused activity metric data when performing searches.
Fixes an issue where the "Predict New Issues" button in the Serials module did not use the correct pattern.
The KPAC now respects the