Chapter 3. Using the Staff Client

Table of Contents

Logging in to Evergreen
Preset Tabs in Evergreen Client

Logging in to Evergreen

To log in you must first install the Evergreen Staff Client, available for download from the Evergreen site at

Each staff member can have their own username and password, or generic logins can be used.

Enter Username and Password for your staff account, then click Login. Under normal circumstances this is all that is required to login.

If the staff client can connect to Evergreen both Status and Version display a green 200:OK message. If not, ensure the hostname is correctly entered and click Re-Test Server. If the error message persists make sure your are connected to the internet.

Locale sets the language preferences for the staff client.

Workstation identifies your physical computer location. Workstation registration is done by a Local System Administrator when staff clients are first installed.

If your connection to Evergreen is lost during open hours, click Standalone Interface to continue with check out and patron registration functions until the connection is restored.

Debug Options are for advanced troubleshooting and can be ignored in normal use.

Click Clear Cache to remove the staff client's locally cached files. This may be required to see recent changes to administrative settings.