Schema config

The config schema holds static configuration data for the Evergreen installation.

Table: audience_map


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
code : text -- PRIMARY KEY,
value : text -- NOT NULL,
description : text --

Table: bib_level_map


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
code : text -- PRIMARY KEY,
value : text -- NOT NULL,

Table: bib_source

This is table is used to set up the relative "quality" of each MARC source, such as OCLC. Also identifies "transcendant" sources, i.e., sources of bib records that should display in the OPAC even if no copies or located URIs are attached.


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
quality : integer --
source : text -- UNIQUE, NOT NULL,
transcendant : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT false,


bib_source_quality_check : CHECK (((quality >= 0) AND (quality <= 100)))

Tables referencing vandelay.queued_bib_record via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: biblio_fingerprint


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
name : text -- NOT NULL,
xpath : text -- NOT NULL,
first_word : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT false,
format : text -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT 'marcxml'::text,

Table: billing_type


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
name : text -- UNIQUE#1, NOT NULL,
owner : integer -- UNIQUE#1, NOT NULL, REFERENCES actor.org_unit.
default_price : numeric(6,2) --

Tables referencing money.billing via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: circ_matrix_circ_mod_test


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
matchpoint : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES config.circ_matrix_matchpoint.
items_out : integer -- NOT NULL,

Tables referencing config.circ_matrix_circ_mod_test_map via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: circ_matrix_circ_mod_test_map


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
circ_mod_test : integer -- UNIQUE#1, NOT NULL, REFERENCES config.circ_matrix_circ_mod_test.
circ_mod : text -- UNIQUE#1, NOT NULL, REFERENCES config.circ_modifier.

Table: circ_matrix_matchpoint


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
active : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT true,
org_unit : integer -- UNIQUE#1, NOT NULL, REFERENCES actor.org_unit.
grp : integer -- UNIQUE#1, NOT NULL, REFERENCES permission.grp_tree.
circ_modifier : text -- UNIQUE#1, REFERENCES config.circ_modifier.
marc_type : text -- UNIQUE#1, REFERENCES config.item_type_map.
marc_form : text -- UNIQUE#1, REFERENCES config.item_form_map.
marc_vr_format : text -- UNIQUE#1, REFERENCES config.videorecording_format_map.
copy_circ_lib : integer -- UNIQUE#1, REFERENCES actor.org_unit.
copy_owning_lib : integer -- UNIQUE#1, REFERENCES actor.org_unit.
ref_flag : boolean -- UNIQUE#1,
juvenile_flag : boolean -- UNIQUE#1,
is_renewal : boolean -- UNIQUE#1,
usr_age_lower_bound : interval -- UNIQUE#1,
usr_age_upper_bound : interval -- UNIQUE#1,
circulate : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT true,
duration_rule : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES config.rule_circ_duration.
recurring_fine_rule : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES config.rule_recurring_fine.
max_fine_rule : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES config.rule_max_fine.
hard_due_date : integer -- REFERENCES config.hard_due_date.
script_test : text --
total_copy_hold_ratio : double precision --
available_copy_hold_ratio : double precision --

Tables referencing config.circ_matrix_circ_mod_test via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: circ_modifier


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
code : text -- PRIMARY KEY,
name : text -- UNIQUE, NOT NULL,
description : text -- NOT NULL,
sip2_media_type : text -- NOT NULL,
magnetic_media : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT true,
avg_wait_time : interval --

Tables referencing acq.lineitem_detail via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: copy_status

Copy Statuses The available copy statuses, and whether a copy in that status is available for hold request capture. 0 (zero) is the only special number in this set, meaning that the item is available for immediate checkout, and is counted as available in the OPAC. Statuses with an ID below 100 are not removable, and have special meaning in the code. Do not change them except to translate the textual name. You may add and remove statuses above 100, and these can be used to remove items from normal circulation without affecting the rest of the copy's values or its location.


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
name : text -- UNIQUE, NOT NULL,
holdable : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT false,
opac_visible : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT false,

Tables referencing action.transit_copy via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: global_flag


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
name : text -- PRIMARY KEY,
value : text --
enabled : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT false,
label : text -- NOT NULL,

Table: hard_due_date


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
name : text -- UNIQUE, NOT NULL,
ceiling_date : timestamp with time zone -- NOT NULL,
forceto : boolean -- NOT NULL,
owner : integer -- NOT NULL,


hard_due_date_name_check : CHECK ((name ~ '^\\w+$'::text))

Tables referencing config.circ_matrix_matchpoint via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: hard_due_date_values


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
hard_due_date : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES config.hard_due_date.
ceiling_date : timestamp with time zone -- NOT NULL,
active_date : timestamp with time zone -- NOT NULL,

Table: hold_matrix_matchpoint


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
active : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT true,
user_home_ou : integer -- UNIQUE#1, REFERENCES actor.org_unit.
request_ou : integer -- UNIQUE#1, REFERENCES actor.org_unit.
pickup_ou : integer -- UNIQUE#1, REFERENCES actor.org_unit.
item_owning_ou : integer -- UNIQUE#1, REFERENCES actor.org_unit.
item_circ_ou : integer -- UNIQUE#1, REFERENCES actor.org_unit.
usr_grp : integer -- UNIQUE#1, REFERENCES permission.grp_tree.
requestor_grp : integer -- UNIQUE#1, NOT NULL, REFERENCES permission.grp_tree.
circ_modifier : text -- UNIQUE#1, REFERENCES config.circ_modifier.
marc_type : text -- UNIQUE#1, REFERENCES config.item_type_map.
marc_form : text -- UNIQUE#1, REFERENCES config.item_form_map.
marc_vr_format : text -- UNIQUE#1, REFERENCES config.videorecording_format_map.
juvenile_flag : boolean -- UNIQUE#1,
ref_flag : boolean -- UNIQUE#1,
holdable : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT true,
distance_is_from_owner : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT false,
transit_range : integer -- REFERENCES actor.org_unit_type.
max_holds : integer --
include_frozen_holds : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT true,
stop_blocked_user : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT false,
age_hold_protect_rule : integer -- REFERENCES config.rule_age_hold_protect.

Table: i18n_core


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : bigserial -- PRIMARY KEY,
fq_field : text -- NOT NULL,
identity_value : text -- NOT NULL,
translation : text -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES config.i18n_locale.
string : text -- NOT NULL,

Table: i18n_locale


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
code : text -- PRIMARY KEY,
marc_code : text -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES config.language_map.
name : text -- UNIQUE, NOT NULL,
description : text --

Tables referencing config.i18n_core via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: identification_type

Types of valid patron identification. Each patron must display at least one valid form of identification in order to get a library card. This table lists those forms.


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
name : text -- UNIQUE, NOT NULL,

Tables referencing actor.usr via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: idl_field_doc


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : bigserial -- PRIMARY KEY,
fm_class : text -- NOT NULL,
field : text -- NOT NULL,
owner : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES actor.org_unit.
string : text -- NOT NULL,

Table: index_normalizer


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
name : text -- UNIQUE, NOT NULL,
description : text --
func : text -- NOT NULL,
param_count : integer -- NOT NULL,

Tables referencing config.metabib_field_index_norm_map via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: internal_flag


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
name : text -- PRIMARY KEY,
value : text --
enabled : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT false,

Table: item_form_map


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
code : text -- PRIMARY KEY,
value : text -- NOT NULL,

Tables referencing config.circ_matrix_matchpoint via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: item_type_map


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
code : text -- PRIMARY KEY,
value : text -- NOT NULL,

Tables referencing config.circ_matrix_matchpoint via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: language_map


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
code : text -- PRIMARY KEY,
value : text -- NOT NULL,

Tables referencing config.i18n_locale via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: lit_form_map


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
code : text -- PRIMARY KEY,
value : text -- NOT NULL,
description : text --

Table: marc21_ff_pos_map


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
fixed_field : text -- NOT NULL,
tag : text -- NOT NULL,
rec_type : text -- NOT NULL,
start_pos : integer -- NOT NULL,
length : integer -- NOT NULL,
default_val : text -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT ' '::text,

Table: marc21_physical_characteristic_subfield_map


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
ptype_key : text -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES config.marc21_physical_characteristic_type_map.
subfield : text -- NOT NULL,
start_pos : integer -- NOT NULL,
length : integer -- NOT NULL,
label : text -- NOT NULL,

Tables referencing config.marc21_physical_characteristic_value_map via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: marc21_physical_characteristic_type_map


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
ptype_key : text -- PRIMARY KEY,
label : text -- NOT NULL,

Tables referencing config.marc21_physical_characteristic_subfield_map via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: marc21_physical_characteristic_value_map


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
value : text -- NOT NULL,
ptype_subfield : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES config.marc21_physical_characteristic_subfield_map.
label : text -- NOT NULL,

Table: marc21_rec_type_map


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
code : text -- PRIMARY KEY,
type_val : text -- NOT NULL,
blvl_val : text -- NOT NULL,

Table: metabib_class


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
name : text -- PRIMARY KEY,
label : text -- UNIQUE, NOT NULL,

Tables referencing config.metabib_field via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: metabib_field

XPath used for record indexing ingest This table contains the XPath used to chop up MODS into its indexable parts. Each XPath entry is named and assigned to a "class" of either title, subject, author, keyword, series or identifier.


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
field_class : text -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES config.metabib_class.
name : text -- NOT NULL,
label : text -- NOT NULL,
xpath : text -- NOT NULL,
weight : integer -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT 1,
format : text -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT 'mods33'::text, REFERENCES config.xml_transform.
search_field : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT true,
facet_field : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT false,
facet_xpath : text --

Tables referencing config.metabib_field_index_norm_map via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: metabib_field_index_norm_map


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
field : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES config.metabib_field.
norm : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES config.index_normalizer.
params : text --
pos : integer -- NOT NULL,

Table: metabib_search_alias


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
alias : text -- PRIMARY KEY,
field_class : text -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES config.metabib_class.
field : integer -- REFERENCES config.metabib_field.

Table: net_access_level

Patron Network Access level This will be used to inform the in-library firewall of how much internet access the using patron should be allowed.


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
name : text -- UNIQUE, NOT NULL,

Tables referencing actor.usr via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: non_cataloged_type

Types of valid non-cataloged items.


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
owning_lib : integer -- UNIQUE#1, NOT NULL,
name : text -- UNIQUE#1, NOT NULL,
circ_duration : interval -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT '14 days'::interval,
in_house : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT false,

Tables referencing action.non_cat_in_house_use via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: org_unit_setting_type


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
name : text -- PRIMARY KEY,
label : text -- UNIQUE, NOT NULL,
grp : text -- REFERENCES config.settings_group.
description : text --
datatype : text -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT 'string'::text,
fm_class : text --
view_perm : integer -- REFERENCES permission.perm_list.
update_perm : integer -- REFERENCES permission.perm_list.


coust_no_empty_link : CHECK ((((datatype = 'link'::text) AND (fm_class IS NOT NULL)) OR ((datatype <> 'link'::text) AND (fm_class IS NULL))))
coust_valid_datatype : CHECK ((datatype = ANY (ARRAY['bool'::text, 'integer'::text, 'float'::text, 'currency'::text, 'interval'::text, 'date'::text, 'string'::text, 'object'::text, 'array'::text, 'link'::text])))

Tables referencing actor.org_unit_setting via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: remote_account


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
label : text -- NOT NULL,
host : text -- NOT NULL,
username : text --
password : text --
account : text --
path : text --
owner : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES actor.org_unit.
last_activity : timestamp with time zone --

Table: rule_age_hold_protect

Hold Item Age Protection rules A hold request can only capture new(ish) items when they are within a particular proximity of the pickup_lib of the request. The proximity ('prox' column) is calculated by counting the number of tree edges between the pickup_lib and either the owning_lib or circ_lib of the copy that could fulfill the hold, as determined by the distance_is_from_owner value of the hold matrix rule controlling the hold request.


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
name : text -- UNIQUE, NOT NULL,
age : interval -- NOT NULL,
prox : integer -- NOT NULL,


rule_age_hold_protect_name_check : CHECK ((name ~ '^\\w+$'::text))

Tables referencing config.hold_matrix_matchpoint via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: rule_circ_duration

Circulation Duration rules Each circulation is given a duration based on one of these rules.


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
name : text -- UNIQUE, NOT NULL,
extended : interval -- NOT NULL,
normal : interval -- NOT NULL,
shrt : interval -- NOT NULL,
max_renewals : integer -- NOT NULL,


rule_circ_duration_name_check : CHECK ((name ~ '^\\w+$'::text))

Tables referencing config.circ_matrix_matchpoint via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: rule_max_fine

Circulation Max Fine rules Each circulation is given a maximum fine based on one of these rules.


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
name : text -- UNIQUE, NOT NULL,
amount : numeric(6,2) -- NOT NULL,
is_percent : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT false,


rule_max_fine_name_check : CHECK ((name ~ '^\\w+$'::text))

Tables referencing config.circ_matrix_matchpoint via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: rule_recurring_fine

Circulation Recurring Fine rules Each circulation is given a recurring fine amount based on one of these rules. Note that it is recommended to run the fine generator (from cron) at least as frequently as the lowest recurrence interval used by your circulation rules so that accrued fines will be up to date.


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
name : text -- UNIQUE, NOT NULL,
high : numeric(6,2) -- NOT NULL,
normal : numeric(6,2) -- NOT NULL,
low : numeric(6,2) -- NOT NULL,
recurrence_interval : interval -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT '1 day'::interval,


rule_recurring_fine_name_check : CHECK ((name ~ '^\\w+$'::text))

Tables referencing config.circ_matrix_matchpoint via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: settings_group


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
name : text -- PRIMARY KEY,
label : text -- UNIQUE, NOT NULL,

Tables referencing config.org_unit_setting_type via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: standing

Patron Standings This table contains the values that can be applied to a patron by a staff member. These values should not be changed, other than for translation, as the ID column is currently a "magic number" in the source. :(


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
value : text -- UNIQUE, NOT NULL,

Tables referencing actor.usr via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: standing_penalty


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
name : text -- UNIQUE, NOT NULL,
label : text -- NOT NULL,
block_list : text --
org_depth : integer --

Tables referencing actor.usr_standing_penalty via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: upgrade_log


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
version : text -- PRIMARY KEY,
install_date : timestamp with time zone -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT now(),

Table: usr_setting_type


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
name : text -- PRIMARY KEY,
opac_visible : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT false,
label : text -- UNIQUE, NOT NULL,
description : text --
grp : text -- REFERENCES config.settings_group.
datatype : text -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT 'string'::text,
fm_class : text --


coust_no_empty_link : CHECK ((((datatype = 'link'::text) AND (fm_class IS NOT NULL)) OR ((datatype <> 'link'::text) AND (fm_class IS NULL))))
coust_valid_datatype : CHECK ((datatype = ANY (ARRAY['bool'::text, 'integer'::text, 'float'::text, 'currency'::text, 'interval'::text, 'date'::text, 'string'::text, 'object'::text, 'array'::text, 'link'::text])))

Tables referencing action_trigger.event_definition via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: videorecording_format_map


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
code : text -- PRIMARY KEY,
value : text -- NOT NULL,

Tables referencing config.circ_matrix_matchpoint via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: xml_transform


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
name : text -- PRIMARY KEY,
namespace_uri : text -- NOT NULL,
prefix : text -- NOT NULL,
xslt : text -- NOT NULL,

Tables referencing config.metabib_field via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: z3950_attr


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
source : text -- UNIQUE#1, NOT NULL, REFERENCES config.z3950_source.
name : text -- NOT NULL,
label : text -- NOT NULL,
code : integer -- UNIQUE#1, NOT NULL,
format : integer -- UNIQUE#1, NOT NULL,
truncation : integer -- NOT NULL,

Table: z3950_source

Z39.50 Sources Each row in this table represents a database searchable via Z39.50.


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
name : text -- PRIMARY KEY,
label : text -- UNIQUE, NOT NULL,
host : text -- NOT NULL,
port : integer -- NOT NULL,
db : text -- NOT NULL,
record_format : text -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT 'FI'::text, Z39.50 element set.
transmission_format : text -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT 'usmarc'::text, Z39.50 preferred record syntax..
auth : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT true,

Tables referencing config.z3950_attr via Foreign Key Constraints: 


interval_to_seconds(interval_string text)

Function Properties
Language: PLPGSQL
Return Type: integer

interval_to_seconds(interval_val interval)

Function Properties
Language: PLPGSQL
Return Type: integer


Function Properties
Language: PLPGSQL
Return Type: integer