Schema booking

Table: reservation


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : bigint -- PRIMARY KEY, DEFAULT nextval('money.billable_xact_id_seq'::regclass),
usr : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES actor.usr.
xact_start : timestamp with time zone -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT now(),
xact_finish : timestamp with time zone --
unrecovered : boolean --
request_time : timestamp with time zone -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT now(),
start_time : timestamp with time zone --
end_time : timestamp with time zone --
capture_time : timestamp with time zone --
cancel_time : timestamp with time zone --
pickup_time : timestamp with time zone --
return_time : timestamp with time zone --
booking_interval : interval --
fine_interval : interval --
fine_amount : numeric(8,2) --
max_fine : numeric(8,2) --
target_resource_type : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES booking.resource_type.
target_resource : integer -- REFERENCES booking.resource.
current_resource : integer -- REFERENCES booking.resource.
request_lib : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES actor.org_unit.
pickup_lib : integer -- REFERENCES actor.org_unit.
capture_staff : integer -- REFERENCES actor.usr.

Tables referencing action.reservation_transit_copy via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: reservation_attr_value_map


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
reservation : integer -- UNIQUE#1, NOT NULL, REFERENCES booking.reservation.
attr_value : integer -- UNIQUE#1, NOT NULL, REFERENCES booking.resource_attr_value.

Table: resource


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
owner : integer -- UNIQUE#1, NOT NULL, REFERENCES actor.org_unit.
type : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES booking.resource_type.
overbook : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT false,
barcode : text -- UNIQUE#1, NOT NULL,
deposit : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT false,
deposit_amount : numeric(8,2) -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT 0.00,
user_fee : numeric(8,2) -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT 0.00,

Tables referencing action.reservation_transit_copy via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: resource_attr


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
owner : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES actor.org_unit.
name : text -- UNIQUE#1, NOT NULL,
resource_type : integer -- UNIQUE#1, NOT NULL, REFERENCES booking.resource_type.
required : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT false,

Tables referencing booking.resource_attr_map via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: resource_attr_map


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
resource : integer -- UNIQUE#1, NOT NULL, REFERENCES booking.resource.
resource_attr : integer -- UNIQUE#1, NOT NULL, REFERENCES booking.resource_attr.
value : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES booking.resource_attr_value.

Table: resource_attr_value


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
owner : integer -- UNIQUE#1, NOT NULL, REFERENCES actor.org_unit.
attr : integer -- UNIQUE#1, NOT NULL, REFERENCES booking.resource_attr.
valid_value : text -- UNIQUE#1, NOT NULL,

Tables referencing booking.reservation_attr_value_map via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: resource_type


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
name : text -- UNIQUE#1, NOT NULL,
elbow_room : interval --
fine_interval : interval --
fine_amount : numeric(8,2) -- NOT NULL,
max_fine : numeric(8,2) --
owner : integer -- UNIQUE#1, NOT NULL, REFERENCES actor.org_unit.
catalog_item : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT false,
transferable : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT false,
record : bigint -- UNIQUE#1, REFERENCES biblio.record_entry.

Tables referencing booking.reservation via Foreign Key Constraints: 
