
DocBook elements can be modified by one or more attributes. The attibutes below are commonly used in The Book of Evergreen. More info on DocBook 5 attributes is available at



Attribute that sets the link destination. Any DocBook 5 inline element can become a link by adding a linkend attribute that corresponds to the xml:id of the destination. See Chapter 3, Creating Links for more detailed info.


Applied exclusively to glosssee and glossseealso elements, it points to the referenced glossary term.

<glossseealso otherterm="date"/>

displays as

See also date.


Para. Applied to para tags to track changes to draft docs for approval by other editors. Can have value of added, deleted, or changed; in html output will be highlighted in green, red, and yellow respectively.


Optional xml identifier for an element, required for cross references and linking. Must be unique within the entire documentation set. Good practice is to make sure that, at minimum, all book, part, chapter, and glossentry elements have an xml:id. In html output, the xml:id becomes the name the html file and the URL for that segment of the documentation (if there is no xml:id, the html file is auto-numbered).

Documentation for Evergreen version 1.6
Copyright © 2010, Evergreen Community