Invoice menus allow you to create drop-down menus that appear on invoices. You
can create an invoice item type or invoice payment method.
The invoice item type allows you to enter the types of additional charges that
you can add to an invoice. Examples of additional charge types might include
taxes or processing fees. Charges for bibliographic items are listed separately
from these additional charges. A default list of charge types displays, but you
can add custom charge types to this list. Invoice item types can also be used
when adding non-bibliographic items to a purchase order. When invoiced, the
invoice item type will copy from the purchase order to the invoice.
To create a new charge type, click Administration → Acquisitions Administration →
Invoice Item Type.
Click New Invoice Item Type.
Create a code for the charge type. No limits exist on the number of characters
that can be entered in this field.
Create a label. No limits exist on the number of characters that can be
entered in this field. The text in this field appears in the drop-down menu on
the invoice.
If items on the invoice were purchased with the monies in multiple funds, then
you can divide the additional charge across funds. Check the box adjacent to
Prorate→ if you want to prorate the charge across funds.
Click Save.
The invoice payment method allows you to predefine the type(s) of invoices and
payment method(s) that you accept. The text that you enter in the admin module
will appear as a drop-down menu in the invoice type and payment method fields on
the invoice.
To create a new invoice payment method, click Administration →
Acquisitions Administration → Invoice Payment Method.
Click New Invoice Payment Method.
Create a code for the invoice payment method. No limits exist on the number of
characters that can be entered in this field.
Create a name for the invoice payment method. No limits exist on the number of
characters that can be entered in this field. The text in this field appears in
the drop-down menu on the invoice.
Click Save.
Payment methods can be deleted from this screen.