Create an invoice for a purchase order

You can create an invoice for all of the line items on a purchase order. With the exception of fields with drop-down menus, no limitations on the data that you enter exist.

  1. Open a purchase order.
  2. Click Create Invoice.
  3. Enter a Vendor Invoice ID. This number may be listed on the paper invoice sent from your vendor.
  4. Choose a Receive Method from the drop-down menu. The system will default to Paper.
  5. The Provider is generated from the purchase order and is entered by default.
  6. Enter a note (optional).
  7. Select a payment method from the drop-down menu (optional).
  8. The Invoice Date is entered by default as the date that you create the invoice. You can change the date by clicking in the field. A calendar drops down.
  9. Enter an Invoice Type (optional).
  10. The Shipper defaults to the provider that was entered in the purchase order.
  11. Enter a Payment Authorization (optional).
  12. The Receiver defaults to the branch at which your workstation is registered. You can change the receiver by selecting an org unit from the drop-down menu.


    The bibliographic line items are listed in the next section of the invoice. Along with the title and author of the line items is a summary of copies ordered, received, invoiced, claimed, and cancelled. You can also view the amounts estimated, encumbered, and paid for each line item. Finally, each line item has a line item ID and links to the selection list (if used) and the purchase order.

  13. Evergreen automatically enters the number of items that was ordered in the # Invoiced and # Paid fields. Adjust these quantities as needed.
  14. Enter the amount that the organization was billed. This entry will automatically propagate to the Paid field. The Per Copy field calculates the cost of each copy by dividing the amount that was billed by the number of copies for which the library paid.
  15. You have the option to add charge types if applicable. Charge types are additional charges that can be selected from the drop-down menu. Common charge types include taxes and handling fees.
  16. You have four options for saving an invoice.

    • Click Save to save the changes you have made while staying in the current invoice.
    • Click Save & Clear to save the changes you have made and to replace the current invoice with a new invoice so that you can continue invoicing items.
    • Click Prorate to save the invoice and prorate any additional charges, such as taxes, across funds, if multiple funds have been used to pay the invoice.


    Prorating will only be applied to charge types that have the Prorate? flag set to true. This setting can be adjusted via AdministrationAcquisitions AdministrationInvoice Item Types.

    • Click Close. Choose this option when you have completed the invoice. This option will also save any changes that have been made. Funds will be disencumbered when the invoice is closed.
  17. You can re-open a closed invoice by clicking the link, Re-open invoice. This link appears at the bottom of a closed invoice.