Chapter 28. Administering copy locations

Table of Contents

Creating new copy locations
Deleting copy locations
Modifying copy location order
Copy location groups
Create a Copy Location Group
Order Copy Location Groups

Creating new copy locations

  1. Click Administration.
  2. Click Local Administration.
  3. Click Copy Locations Editor.
  4. Type the name of the copy location.
  5. In OPAC Visible, choose whether you would like items in this copy location to appear in the catalog.
  6. In Hold Verify,
  7. In Checkin Alert, choose whether you would like a routing alert to appear when a copy in this location is checked in. This is intended for special locations, such as Display, that may require special handling, or that temporarily contain items that are not normally in that location.


    By default, these alerts will only display when a copy is checked in, not when it is used to record an in-house use.

    To also display these alerts when a copy in your location is scanned for in-house use, go to Administration > Local Administration > Library Settings Editor and set Display copy location check in alert for in-house-use to True.

  8. If you would like a prefix or suffix to be added to the call numbers of every volume in this location, enter it.
  9. If you would like, add a URL to the URL field. When a URL is entered in this field, the associated copy location will display as a link in the Public Catalog summary display. This link can be useful for retrieving maps or other directions to the copy location to aid users in finding material.
  10. If you would like to override any copy-level circulation/hold policies to make sure that copies in your new location can’t circulate or be holdable, choose No in the appropriate field. If you choose Yes, Evergreen will use the typical circulation and hold policies to determine circulation abilities.