Several setting in the Library Settings area of the Administration module pertain to
functions in the Acquisitions module. You can access these settings by clicking
Administration → Local Administration → Library Settings Editor.
CAT: Delete bib if all copies are deleted via Acquisitions lineitem
cancellation - If you cancel a line item, then all of the on order copies in the
catalog are deleted. If, when you cancel a line item, you also want to delete
the bib record, then set this setting to TRUE.
Allow funds to be rolled over without bringing the money along - enables you
to move a fund’s encumbrances from one year to the next without moving unspent
money. Unused money is not added to the next year’s fund and is not available
for use.
Allows patrons to create automatic holds from purchase requests.
Default circulation modifier - This modifier would be applied to items that
are created in the acquisitions module
Default copy location - This copy location would be applied to items that are
created in the acquisitions module
Fund Spending Limit for Block - When the amount remaining in the fund,
including spent money and encumbrances, goes below this percentage, attempts to
spend from the fund will be blocked.
Fund Spending Limit for Warning - When the amount remaining in the fund,
including spent money and encumbrances, goes below this percentage, attempts to
spend from the fund will result in a warning to the staff.
Rollover Distribution Formulae Funds - When set to true, during fiscal
rollover, all distribution formulae will update to use new funds.
Set copy creator as receiver - When receiving a copy in acquisitions, set the
copy "creator" to be the staff that received the copy
Temporary barcode prefix - Temporary barcode prefix for items that are created
in the acquisitions module
Temporary call number prefix - Temporary call number prefix for items that are
created in the acquisitions module