Batch Modify Statistical Categories

To batch modify statistical categories for all users in a bucket:

  1. Go to Circulation→User Buckets and select the Bucket View tab.
  2. Click Buckets and select the bucket you want to modify from the list of existing buckets.

    1. After selecting a bucket, the Name, Description, number of items, and creation date of the bucket will appear at the top of the screen.
  3. Verify the list of users in the bucket and click Batch modify statistical categories. A dialog box called Update statistical categories will appear where you can select the batch modifications to be made to the user accounts. The existing patron statistical categories will be listed and staff can choose:

    1. To leave the stat cat value unchanged in the patron accounts.
    2. To select a new stat cat value for the patron accounts.
    3. Check the box next to Remove to delete the current stat cat value from the patron accounts.
  4. Click Apply Changes. The stat cat modification(s) will be applied in batch.