Skip this entire section if you are using an official release tarball downloaded from Otherwise, ensure you have installed the optional developer additions before proceeding.
Building, Testing, Minification: The remaining steps all take place within the staff JS web root:
cd $EVERGREEN_ROOT/Open-ILS/web/js/ui/default/staff/
Install Project-local Dependencies. npm inspects the package.json file for dependencies and fetches them from the Node package network.
npm install # fetch JS dependencies
Run the build script.
# build, concat+minify npm run build-prod
OPTIONAL: Test web client code if the <osname>-developer packages were installed.
CHROME_BIN should be set to the path to chrome or chromimum, e.g.,
CHROME_BIN=/path/to/chrome npm run test
Building, Testing, Minification: The remaining steps all take place within the Angular staff root:
cd $EVERGREEN_ROOT/Open-ILS/src/eg2/
Install Project-local Dependencies. npm inspects the package.json file for dependencies and fetches them from the Node package network.
npm install # fetch JS dependencies
Run the build script.
# build and run tests ng build --prod
OPTIONAL: Test eg2 web client code if the <osname>-developer packages were installed:
CHROME_BIN should be set to the path to chrome or chromimum, e.g.,
CHROME_BIN=/path/to/chrome npm run test