Part XIV. Developer Resources
Table of Contents
141. Introduction
142. Support Scripts
authority_control_fields: Connecting Bibliographic and Authority records
marc_export: Exporting Bibliographic Records into MARC files
Parallel Ingest with pingest.pl
Command Line Options
Importing Authority Records from Command Line
Juvenile-to-adult batch script
MARC Stream Importer
143. Developing with pgTAP tests
Setting up pgTAP on your development server
Running pgTAP tests
144. Easing gently into OpenSRF
Introducing OpenSRF
Programming language support
OpenSRF communication flows over XMPP
OpenSRF communication flows over HTTP
Stateless and stateful connections
Enough jibber-jabber: writing an OpenSRF service
Registering a service with the OpenSRF configuration files
Calling an OpenSRF method
Accepting and returning more interesting data types
Accepting and returning Evergreen objects
Returning streaming results
Error! Warning! Info! Debug!
Caching results: one secret of scalability
Initializing the service and its children: child labour
Retrieving configuration settings
Getting under the covers with OpenSRF
Get on the messaging bus - safely
Message body format
Registering OpenSRF methods in depth
Evergreen-specific OpenSRF services
Evergreen after one year: reflections on OpenSRF
Strengths of OpenSRF
Appendix: Python client
145. Updating translations using Launchpad
Updating the translations