Bug Fixes


  • Fixes an issue with sending emails on newer versions of Ubuntu and Debian (Bug 1801163)
  • It is now harder to accidentally close modals in the Angular portions of the web client (Bug 1827942)
  • Organizational Unit Selectors in the Angular portions of the web client now present libraries in the correct order (Bug 1857350)
  • Fixes some permission-related code in the Angular portions of the web client (Bug 1860351)


  • Fixes an issue with receiving line items from the general acquisitions search screen (Bug 1607922)


  • The new batch import/export interface now allows users to view and edit the incoming MARC records while inspecting an imported queue (Bug 1830923)
  • Evergreen now asks users to confirm that they want to delete items that are in non-ideal statuses, like Checked Out (Bug 1735566)
  • Catalogers can now apply copy alerts to multiple items at once when creating new items (Bug 1832735)
  • The experimental staff catalog now uses the $ (dollar sign) instead of ‡ (double dagger) as the flat text editor’s subfield delimiter (Bug 1848778)
  • Fixes an issue that prevented catalogers from setting a bib source for a bibliographic record (Bug 1843599)
  • Fixes a display issue in the experimental staff catalog holdings view (Bug 1840982)


  • The check in screen now honors the ui.circ.suppress_checkin_popups library setting (Bug 1437103)
  • Fixes an issue with selecting bills on the Bill History tab (Bug 1780283)
  • Improves performance of the hold shelf functionality (Bug 1855329)
  • Fixes a display issue with the check out screen’s due date box on wider screens (Bug 1803406)
  • The check out screeen no longer allows due dates in the past (Bug 1712644)
  • Circulation staff with appropriate permissions can now override certain circulation alerts (Bugs Bug 1851434 and 1827901)
  • Loan duration rules can now include hour lengths that are longer than two digits (Bug 1857156)
  • The check in grid now has an optional Monograph Parts column (Bug 1739609)