Functions in search

calculate_visibility_attribute(attr integer, value text). Language: SQL Return Type: integer

calculate_visibility_attribute_list(value text, attr integer[]). Language: SQL Return Type: integer[]

calculate_visibility_attribute_test(negate text, value integer[], attr boolean). Language: SQL Return Type: text

facets_for_metarecord_set(count text[], value bigint[]). Language: SQL Return Type: SET OF record

facets_for_record_set(count text[], value bigint[]). Language: SQL Return Type: SET OF record

highlight_display_fields(delimiter bigint, maxfrags text, shortwords text, maxwords boolean, minwords integer, hl_all integer, css_class integer, tsq_map integer, rid text). Language: PLPGSQL Return Type: SET OF highlight_result

highlight_display_fields_impl(delimiter bigint, maxfrags text, shortwords integer[], maxwords text, minwords boolean, hl_all integer, css_class integer, field_list integer, tsq integer, rid text). Language: PLPGSQL Return Type: SET OF highlight_result

query_parser_fts(param_pref_ou integer, deleted_search integer, staff text, metarecord integer[], param_limit integer[], param_check integer, param_offset integer, param_locations integer, param_statuses boolean, param_query boolean, param_depth boolean, param_search_ou integer). Language: PLPGSQL Return Type: SET OF search_result