Chapter 24. Schema staging
Below are the tables, views and functions for staging
row_id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('staging.mailing_address_stage_row_id_seq'::regclass)
row_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now()
usrname text NOT NULL
street1 text
street2 text
city text NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::text
county text
state text
country text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'US'::text
post_code text NOT NULL
complete boolean DEFAULT false
row_id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
row_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now()
usrname text NOT NULL
barcode text NOT NULL
complete boolean DEFAULT false
row_id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
row_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now()
usrname text NOT NULL
street1 text
street2 text
city text NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::text
county text
state text
country text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'US'::text
post_code text NOT NULL
complete boolean DEFAULT false
row_id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
row_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now()
usrname text NOT NULL
setting text NOT NULL
value text NOT NULL
complete boolean DEFAULT false
row_id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
row_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now()
usrname text NOT NULL
statcat text NOT NULL
value text NOT NULL
complete boolean DEFAULT false
row_id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
row_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now()
usrname text NOT NULL
profile text
email text
passwd text
ident_type integer DEFAULT 3
first_given_name text
second_given_name text
family_name text
day_phone text
evening_phone text
home_ou integer DEFAULT 2
dob text
complete boolean DEFAULT false
requesting_usr integer REFERENCES actor.table.usr