id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('money.payment_id_seq'::regclass)
xact bigint NOT NULL
payment_ts timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
voided boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
amount numeric(6,2) NOT NULL
note text
amount_collected numeric(6,2) NOT NULL
accepting_usr integer NOT NULL
billing bigint REFERENCES money.table.billing
Indexes on account_adjustment
money_account_adjustment_accepting_usr_idx accepting_usr
money_account_adjustment_bill_idx billing
money_account_adjustment_payment_ts_idx payment_ts
money_account_adjustment_xact_idx xact
money_adjustment_id_idx id
id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
usr integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
xact_start timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
xact_finish timestamp with time zone
unrecovered boolean
Indexes on billable_xact
id bigint
usr integer
xact_start timestamp with time zone
xact_finish timestamp with time zone
total_paid numeric
last_payment_ts timestamp with time zone
last_payment_note text
last_payment_type name
total_owed numeric
last_billing_ts timestamp with time zone
last_billing_note text
last_billing_type text
balance_owed numeric
xact_type name
id bigint
usr integer
xact_start timestamp with time zone
xact_finish timestamp with time zone
total_paid numeric
last_payment_ts timestamp with time zone
last_payment_note text
last_payment_type name
total_owed numeric
last_billing_ts timestamp with time zone
last_billing_note text
last_billing_type text
balance_owed numeric
xact_type name
billing_location integer
id bigint
usr integer
xact_start timestamp with time zone
xact_finish timestamp with time zone
total_paid numeric
last_payment_ts timestamp with time zone
last_payment_note text
last_payment_type name
total_owed numeric
last_billing_ts timestamp with time zone
last_billing_note text
last_billing_type text
balance_owed numeric
xact_type name
id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
xact bigint NOT NULL
billing_ts timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
voided boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
voider integer
void_time timestamp with time zone
amount numeric(6,2) NOT NULL
billing_type text NOT NULL
btype integer NOT NULL REFERENCES config.table.billing-type
note text
Indexes on billing
m_b_time_idx billing_ts
m_b_voider_idx voider
m_b_xact_idx xact
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('money.payment_id_seq'::regclass)
xact bigint NOT NULL
payment_ts timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
voided boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
amount numeric(6,2) NOT NULL
note text
amount_collected numeric(6,2) NOT NULL
accepting_usr integer NOT NULL
cash_drawer integer REFERENCES actor.table.workstation
id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('money.payment_id_seq'::regclass)
xact bigint NOT NULL
payment_ts timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
voided boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
amount numeric(6,2) NOT NULL
note text
amount_collected numeric(6,2) NOT NULL
accepting_usr integer NOT NULL
id bigint
xact bigint
payment_ts timestamp with time zone
voided boolean
amount numeric(6,2)
note text
amount_collected numeric(6,2)
accepting_usr integer
payment_type name
id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('money.payment_id_seq'::regclass)
xact bigint NOT NULL
payment_ts timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
voided boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
amount numeric(6,2) NOT NULL
note text
amount_collected numeric(6,2) NOT NULL
accepting_usr integer NOT NULL
cash_drawer integer
Indexes on cash_payment
money_cash_id_idx id
money_cash_payment_accepting_usr_idx accepting_usr
money_cash_payment_cash_drawer_idx cash_drawer
money_cash_payment_ts_idx payment_ts
money_cash_payment_xact_idx xact
org_unit integer
cashdrawer integer
payment_type name
payment_ts timestamp with time zone
amount numeric(6,2)
voided boolean
note text
id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('money.payment_id_seq'::regclass)
xact bigint NOT NULL
payment_ts timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
voided boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
amount numeric(6,2) NOT NULL
note text
amount_collected numeric(6,2) NOT NULL
accepting_usr integer NOT NULL
cash_drawer integer
check_number text NOT NULL
Indexes on check_payment
money_check_id_idx id
money_check_payment_accepting_usr_idx accepting_usr
money_check_payment_cash_drawer_idx cash_drawer
money_check_payment_ts_idx payment_ts
money_check_payment_xact_idx xact
id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
usr integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
collector integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
location integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
enter_time timestamp with time zone
Indexes on collections_tracker
m_c_t_collector_idx collector
id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('money.payment_id_seq'::regclass)
xact bigint NOT NULL
payment_ts timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
voided boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
amount numeric(6,2) NOT NULL
note text
amount_collected numeric(6,2) NOT NULL
accepting_usr integer NOT NULL
cash_drawer integer
cc_type text
cc_number text
cc_processor text
cc_first_name text
cc_last_name text
cc_order_number text
expire_month integer
expire_year integer
approval_code text
Indexes on credit_card_payment
money_credit_card_id_idx id
money_credit_card_payment_accepting_usr_idx accepting_usr
money_credit_card_payment_cash_drawer_idx cash_drawer
money_credit_card_payment_ts_idx payment_ts
money_credit_card_payment_xact_idx xact
id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('money.payment_id_seq'::regclass)
xact bigint NOT NULL
payment_ts timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
voided boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
amount numeric(6,2) NOT NULL
note text
amount_collected numeric(6,2) NOT NULL
accepting_usr integer NOT NULL
Indexes on credit_payment
money_credit_id_idx id
money_credit_payment_accepting_usr_idx accepting_usr
money_credit_payment_payment_ts_idx payment_ts
money_credit_payment_xact_idx xact
id bigint
xact bigint
payment_ts timestamp with time zone
voided boolean
amount numeric(6,2)
note text
amount_collected numeric(6,2)
accepting_usr integer
cash_drawer integer
payment_type name
id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('money.payment_id_seq'::regclass)
xact bigint NOT NULL
payment_ts timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
voided boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
amount numeric(6,2) NOT NULL
note text
amount_collected numeric(6,2) NOT NULL
accepting_usr integer NOT NULL
Indexes on forgive_payment
money_forgive_id_idx id
money_forgive_payment_accepting_usr_idx accepting_usr
money_forgive_payment_payment_ts_idx payment_ts
money_forgive_payment_xact_idx xact
id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('money.payment_id_seq'::regclass)
xact bigint NOT NULL
payment_ts timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
voided boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
amount numeric(6,2) NOT NULL
note text
amount_collected numeric(6,2) NOT NULL
accepting_usr integer NOT NULL
Indexes on goods_payment
money_goods_id_idx id
money_goods_payment_accepting_usr_idx accepting_usr
money_goods_payment_payment_ts_idx payment_ts
money_goods_payment_xact_idx xact
id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('money.billable_xact_id_seq'::regclass)
usr integer NOT NULL
xact_start timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
xact_finish timestamp with time zone
unrecovered boolean
billing_location integer NOT NULL
note text
Indexes on grocery
circ_open_date_idx xact_start) WHERE (xact_finish IS NULL
m_g_usr_idx usr
id bigint PRIMARY KEY
usr integer
xact_start timestamp with time zone
xact_finish timestamp with time zone
total_paid numeric
last_payment_ts timestamp with time zone
last_payment_note text
last_payment_type name
total_owed numeric
last_billing_ts timestamp with time zone
last_billing_note text
last_billing_type text
balance_owed numeric
xact_type name
Indexes on materialized_billable_xact_summary
money_mat_summary_usr_idx usr
money_mat_summary_xact_start_idx xact_start
id bigint
xact bigint
payment_ts timestamp with time zone
voided boolean
amount numeric(6,2)
note text
amount_collected numeric(6,2)
accepting_usr integer
payment_type name
id bigint
usr integer
xact_start timestamp with time zone
xact_finish timestamp with time zone
total_paid numeric
last_payment_ts timestamp with time zone
last_payment_note text
last_payment_type name
total_owed numeric
last_billing_ts timestamp with time zone
last_billing_note text
last_billing_type text
balance_owed numeric
xact_type name
billing_location integer
xact bigint
last_billing_type text
last_billing_note text
last_billing_ts timestamp with time zone
total_owed numeric
xact bigint
last_billing_type text
last_billing_note text
last_billing_ts timestamp with time zone
total_owed numeric
xact bigint
last_payment_type name
last_payment_note text
last_payment_ts timestamp with time zone
total_paid numeric
usr integer
total_paid numeric
total_owed numeric
balance_owed numeric
usr integer
total_paid numeric
total_owed numeric
balance_owed numeric
id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
xact bigint NOT NULL
payment_ts timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
voided boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
amount numeric(6,2) NOT NULL
note text
Indexes on payment
m_p_time_idx payment_ts
m_p_xact_idx xact
id bigint
xact bigint
payment_ts timestamp with time zone
voided boolean
amount numeric(6,2)
note text
payment_type name
xact bigint
last_billing_type text
last_billing_note text
last_billing_ts timestamp with time zone
total_owed numeric
xact bigint
last_billing_type text
last_billing_note text
last_billing_ts timestamp with time zone
total_owed numeric
xact bigint
last_billing_type text
last_billing_note text
last_billing_ts timestamp with time zone
total_owed numeric
xact bigint
last_payment_type name
last_payment_note text
last_payment_ts timestamp with time zone
total_paid numeric
xact bigint
last_payment_type name
last_payment_note text
last_payment_ts timestamp with time zone
total_paid numeric
usr integer
total_paid numeric
total_owed numeric
balance_owed numeric
usr integer
total_paid numeric
total_owed numeric
balance_owed numeric
id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('money.payment_id_seq'::regclass)
xact bigint NOT NULL
payment_ts timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
voided boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
amount numeric(6,2) NOT NULL
note text
amount_collected numeric(6,2) NOT NULL
accepting_usr integer NOT NULL
Indexes on work_payment
money_work_id_idx id
money_work_payment_accepting_usr_idx accepting_usr
money_work_payment_payment_ts_idx payment_ts
money_work_payment_xact_idx xact