id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
creator bigint NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
create_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now()
editor bigint NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
edit_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now()
record bigint NOT NULL REFERENCES biblio.table.record-entry
owning_lib integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
label text NOT NULL
deleted boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
prefix integer NOT NULL DEFAULT (-1) REFERENCES asset.table.call-number-prefix
suffix integer NOT NULL DEFAULT (-1) REFERENCES asset.table.call-number-suffix
label_class bigint NOT NULL REFERENCES asset.table.call-number-class
label_sortkey text
Indexes on call_number
asset_call_number_creator_idx creator
asset_call_number_dewey_idx call_number_dewey(label)
asset_call_number_editor_idx editor
asset_call_number_label_sortkey oils_text_as_bytea(label_sortkey)
asset_call_number_label_sortkey_browse oils_text_as_bytea(label_sortkey), oils_text_as_bytea(label), id, owning_lib) WHERE ((deleted IS FALSE) OR (deleted = false)
asset_call_number_record_idx record
asset_call_number_upper_label_id_owning_lib_idx oils_text_as_bytea(label), id, owning_lib
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
Defines the call number normalization database functions in the "normalizer"
column and the tag/subfield combinations to use to lookup the call number in
the "field" column for a given classification scheme. Tag/subfield combinations
are delimited by commas.
id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
name text NOT NULL
normalizer text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'asset.normalize_generic'::text
field text NOT NULL DEFAULT '050ab,055ab,060ab,070ab,080ab,082ab,086ab,088ab,090,092,096,098,099'::text
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
call_number bigint NOT NULL REFERENCES asset.table.call-number
creator bigint NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
create_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now()
pub boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
title text NOT NULL
value text NOT NULL
Indexes on call_number_note
asset_call_number_note_creator_idx creator
id serial PRIMARY KEY
owning_lib integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
label text NOT NULL
label_sortkey text
Indexes on call_number_prefix
asset_call_number_prefix_sortkey_idx label_sortkey
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id serial PRIMARY KEY
owning_lib integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
label text NOT NULL
label_sortkey text
Indexes on call_number_suffix
asset_call_number_suffix_sortkey_idx label_sortkey
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
circ_lib integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
creator bigint NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
call_number bigint NOT NULL REFERENCES asset.table.call-number
editor bigint NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
create_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now()
edit_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now()
copy_number integer
status integer NOT NULL REFERENCES config.table.copy-status
location integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 REFERENCES asset.table.copy-location
loan_duration integer NOT NULL
fine_level integer NOT NULL
age_protect integer
circulate boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true
deposit boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
ref boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
holdable boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true
deposit_amount numeric(6,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00
price numeric(8,2)
barcode text NOT NULL
circ_modifier text REFERENCES config.table.circ-modifier
circ_as_type text
dummy_title text
dummy_author text
alert_message text
opac_visible boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true
deleted boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
floating integer REFERENCES config.table.floating-group
dummy_isbn text
status_changed_time timestamp with time zone
active_date timestamp with time zone
mint_condition boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true
cost numeric(8,2)
Constraints on copy
copy_fine_level_check CHECK fine_level = ANY (ARRAY[1
copy_loan_duration_check CHECK loan_duration = ANY (ARRAY[1
Indexes on copy
cp_avail_cn_idx call_number
cp_available_by_circ_lib_idx circ_lib) WHERE (status = ANY (ARRAY[0, 7])
cp_cn_idx call_number
cp_create_date create_date
cp_creator_idx creator
cp_editor_idx editor
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id serial PRIMARY KEY
name text NOT NULL
owning_lib integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
holdable boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true
hold_verify boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
opac_visible boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true
circulate boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true
label_prefix text
label_suffix text
checkin_alert boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
deleted boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id serial PRIMARY KEY
name text UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL
owner integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
pos integer NOT NULL
top boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
opac_visible boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id serial PRIMARY KEY
location integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES asset.table.copy-location
lgroup integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES asset.table.copy-location-group
id serial PRIMARY KEY
location integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES asset.table.copy-location
org integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
position integer NOT NULL
id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
owning_copy bigint NOT NULL REFERENCES asset.table.copy
creator bigint NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
create_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now()
pub boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
title text NOT NULL
value text NOT NULL
Indexes on copy_note
asset_copy_note_creator_idx creator
asset_copy_note_owning_copy_idx owning_copy
id serial PRIMARY KEY
target_copy bigint NOT NULL
part integer NOT NULL REFERENCES biblio.table.monograph-part
id serial PRIMARY KEY
owning_lib integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
creator bigint NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
editor bigint NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
create_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now()
edit_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now()
name text NOT NULL
circ_lib integer REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
status integer REFERENCES config.table.copy-status
location integer REFERENCES asset.table.copy-location
loan_duration integer
fine_level integer
age_protect integer
circulate boolean
deposit boolean
ref boolean
holdable boolean
deposit_amount numeric(6,2)
price numeric(8,2)
circ_modifier text
circ_as_type text
alert_message text
opac_visible boolean
floating integer REFERENCES config.table.floating-group
mint_condition boolean
Constraints on copy_template
valid_fine_level CHECK
valid_loan_duration CHECK
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
Materialized view of copies that are visible in the OPAC, used by
search.query_parser_fts() to speed up OPAC visibility checks on large
databases. Contents are maintained by a set of triggers.
id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
copy_id bigint
record bigint
circ_lib integer
Indexes on opac_visible_copies
opac_visible_copies_copy_id_idx copy_id
opac_visible_copies_idx1 record, circ_lib
id serial PRIMARY KEY
owner integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
opac_visible boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
name text UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL
required boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
sip_field character(2) REFERENCES asset.table.stat-cat-sip-fields
sip_format text
checkout_archive boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id serial PRIMARY KEY
stat_cat integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES asset.table.stat-cat
owner integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
value text UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
stat_cat integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES asset.table.stat-cat
stat_cat_entry integer NOT NULL REFERENCES asset.table.stat-cat-entry
owning_copy bigint UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL
Indexes on stat_cat_entry_copy_map
scecm_owning_copy_idx owning_copy
id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
stat_cat integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL
stat_cat_entry integer NOT NULL
owning_transparency integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL
Asset Statistical Category SIP Fields
Contains the list of valid SIP Field identifiers for
Statistical Categories.
field character(2) PRIMARY KEY
name text NOT NULL
one_only boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id serial PRIMARY KEY
href text NOT NULL
label text
use_restriction text
active boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
uri integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES asset.table.uri
call_number integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES asset.table.call-number
Indexes on uri_call_number_map
asset_uri_call_number_map_cn_idx call_number