usr_post_code text
usr_home_ou integer NOT NULL
usr_profile integer NOT NULL
usr_birth_year integer
copy_call_number integer NOT NULL
copy_owning_lib integer NOT NULL
copy_circ_lib integer NOT NULL
copy_bib_record bigint NOT NULL
id bigint PRIMARY KEY
xact_start timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
xact_finish timestamp with time zone
unrecovered boolean
target_copy bigint NOT NULL
circ_lib integer NOT NULL
circ_staff integer NOT NULL
checkin_staff integer
checkin_lib integer
renewal_remaining integer NOT NULL
grace_period interval NOT NULL
due_date timestamp with time zone
stop_fines_time timestamp with time zone
checkin_time timestamp with time zone
create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
duration interval
fine_interval interval NOT NULL
recurring_fine numeric(6,2)
max_fine numeric(6,2)
phone_renewal boolean NOT NULL
desk_renewal boolean NOT NULL
opac_renewal boolean NOT NULL
duration_rule text NOT NULL
recurring_fine_rule text NOT NULL
max_fine_rule text NOT NULL
stop_fines text
workstation integer
checkin_workstation integer
copy_location integer NOT NULL
checkin_scan_time timestamp with time zone
parent_circ bigint
Indexes on aged_circulation
action_aged_circulation_target_copy_idx target_copy
aged_circ_circ_lib_idx circ_lib
aged_circ_copy_circ_lib_idx copy_circ_lib
aged_circ_copy_location_idx copy_location
aged_circ_copy_owning_lib_idx copy_owning_lib
aged_circ_start_idx xact_start
usr_post_code text
usr_home_ou integer NOT NULL
usr_profile integer NOT NULL
usr_birth_year integer
staff_placed boolean NOT NULL
id integer PRIMARY KEY
request_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
capture_time timestamp with time zone
fulfillment_time timestamp with time zone
checkin_time timestamp with time zone
return_time timestamp with time zone
prev_check_time timestamp with time zone
expire_time timestamp with time zone
cancel_time timestamp with time zone
cancel_cause integer
cancel_note text
target bigint NOT NULL
current_copy bigint
fulfillment_staff integer
fulfillment_lib integer
request_lib integer NOT NULL
selection_ou integer NOT NULL
selection_depth integer NOT NULL
pickup_lib integer NOT NULL
hold_type text NOT NULL
holdable_formats text
phone_notify boolean NOT NULL
email_notify boolean NOT NULL
sms_notify boolean NOT NULL
frozen boolean NOT NULL
thaw_date timestamp with time zone
shelf_time timestamp with time zone
cut_in_line boolean
mint_condition boolean NOT NULL
shelf_expire_time timestamp with time zone
current_shelf_lib integer
behind_desk boolean NOT NULL
Indexes on aged_hold_request
aged_hold_request_current_copy_idx current_copy
aged_hold_request_fulfillment_staff_idx fulfillment_staff
aged_hold_request_pickup_lib_idx pickup_lib
aged_hold_request_target_idx target
id bigint
usr_post_code text
usr_home_ou integer
usr_profile integer
usr_birth_year integer
copy_call_number bigint
copy_location integer
copy_owning_lib integer
copy_circ_lib integer
copy_bib_record bigint
xact_start timestamp with time zone
xact_finish timestamp with time zone
target_copy bigint
circ_lib integer
circ_staff integer
checkin_staff integer
checkin_lib integer
renewal_remaining integer
grace_period interval
due_date timestamp with time zone
stop_fines_time timestamp with time zone
checkin_time timestamp with time zone
create_time timestamp with time zone
duration interval
fine_interval interval
recurring_fine numeric(6,2)
max_fine numeric(6,2)
phone_renewal boolean
desk_renewal boolean
opac_renewal boolean
duration_rule text
recurring_fine_rule text
max_fine_rule text
stop_fines text
workstation integer
checkin_workstation integer
checkin_scan_time timestamp with time zone
parent_circ bigint
usr_post_code text
usr_home_ou integer
usr_profile integer
usr_birth_year integer
staff_placed boolean
id integer
request_time timestamp with time zone
capture_time timestamp with time zone
fulfillment_time timestamp with time zone
checkin_time timestamp with time zone
return_time timestamp with time zone
prev_check_time timestamp with time zone
expire_time timestamp with time zone
cancel_time timestamp with time zone
cancel_cause integer
cancel_note text
target bigint
current_copy bigint
fulfillment_staff integer
fulfillment_lib integer
request_lib integer
selection_ou integer
selection_depth integer
pickup_lib integer
hold_type text
holdable_formats text
phone_notify boolean
email_notify boolean
sms_notify boolean
frozen boolean
thaw_date timestamp with time zone
shelf_time timestamp with time zone
cut_in_line boolean
mint_condition boolean
shelf_expire_time timestamp with time zone
current_shelf_lib integer
behind_desk boolean
id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
xact bigint NOT NULL
stat_cat integer NOT NULL
value text NOT NULL
id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
xact bigint NOT NULL
stat_cat integer NOT NULL
value text NOT NULL
id bigint
usr integer
xact_start timestamp with time zone
xact_finish timestamp with time zone
unrecovered boolean
target_copy bigint
circ_lib integer
circ_staff integer
checkin_staff integer
checkin_lib integer
renewal_remaining integer
grace_period interval
due_date timestamp with time zone
stop_fines_time timestamp with time zone
checkin_time timestamp with time zone
create_time timestamp with time zone
duration interval
fine_interval interval
recurring_fine numeric(6,2)
max_fine numeric(6,2)
phone_renewal boolean
desk_renewal boolean
opac_renewal boolean
duration_rule text
recurring_fine_rule text
max_fine_rule text
stop_fines text
workstation integer
checkin_workstation integer
copy_location integer
checkin_scan_time timestamp with time zone
parent_circ bigint
id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('money.billable_xact_id_seq'::regclass)
usr integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
xact_start timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
xact_finish timestamp with time zone
unrecovered boolean
target_copy bigint NOT NULL
circ_lib integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
circ_staff integer NOT NULL
checkin_staff integer
checkin_lib integer
renewal_remaining integer NOT NULL
grace_period interval NOT NULL
due_date timestamp with time zone
stop_fines_time timestamp with time zone
checkin_time timestamp with time zone
create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
duration interval
fine_interval interval NOT NULL DEFAULT '1 day'::interval
recurring_fine numeric(6,2)
max_fine numeric(6,2)
phone_renewal boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
desk_renewal boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
opac_renewal boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
duration_rule text NOT NULL
recurring_fine_rule text NOT NULL
max_fine_rule text NOT NULL
stop_fines text
workstation integer REFERENCES actor.table.workstation
checkin_workstation integer REFERENCES actor.table.workstation
copy_location integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 REFERENCES asset.table.copy-location
checkin_scan_time timestamp with time zone
parent_circ bigint REFERENCES action.table.circulation
Constraints on circulation
circulation_stop_fines_check CHECK stop_fines = ANY (ARRAY['CHECKIN'::text
Indexes on circulation
action_circulation_target_copy_idx target_copy
circ_all_usr_idx usr
circ_checkin_staff_idx checkin_staff
circ_checkin_time checkin_time) WHERE (checkin_time IS NOT NULL
circ_circ_lib_idx circ_lib
circ_circ_staff_idx circ_staff
circ_open_date_idx xact_start) WHERE (xact_finish IS NULL
circ_open_xacts_idx usr) WHERE (xact_finish IS NULL
circ_outstanding_idx usr) WHERE (checkin_time IS NULL
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
circ bigint PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES action.table.circulation
limit_group integer PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES config.table.circ-limit-group
id serial PRIMARY KEY
owner integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
owning_lib integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
status text NOT NULL
creation_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
scheduled_time timestamp with time zone
applied_time timestamp with time zone
classname text NOT NULL
name text UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL
stored_query integer REFERENCES query.table.stored-query
pkey_value text
Constraints on fieldset
fieldset_one_or_the_other CHECK ((((stored_query IS NOT NULL) AND (pkey_value IS NULL)) OR pkey_value IS NOT NULL) AND (stored_query IS NULL))
valid_status CHECK status = ANY (ARRAY['PENDING'::text
Indexes on fieldset
action_fieldset_sched_time_idx scheduled_time
action_owner_idx owner
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id serial PRIMARY KEY
fieldset integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES action.table.fieldset
col text UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL
val text
id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
hold integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES action.table.hold-request
target_copy bigint UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL
proximity numeric
Indexes on hold_copy_map
id serial PRIMARY KEY
hold integer NOT NULL REFERENCES action.table.hold-request
notify_staff integer REFERENCES actor.table.usr
notify_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
method text NOT NULL
note text
Indexes on hold_notification
ahn_hold_idx hold
ahn_notify_staff_idx notify_staff
id serial PRIMARY KEY
request_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
capture_time timestamp with time zone
fulfillment_time timestamp with time zone
checkin_time timestamp with time zone
return_time timestamp with time zone
prev_check_time timestamp with time zone
expire_time timestamp with time zone
cancel_time timestamp with time zone
cancel_cause integer REFERENCES action.table.hold-request-cancel-cause
cancel_note text
target bigint NOT NULL
current_copy bigint
fulfillment_staff integer REFERENCES actor.table.usr
fulfillment_lib integer REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
request_lib integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
requestor integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
usr integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
selection_ou integer NOT NULL
selection_depth integer NOT NULL
pickup_lib integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
hold_type text NOT NULL
holdable_formats text
phone_notify text
email_notify boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
sms_notify text
sms_carrier integer REFERENCES config.table.sms-carrier
frozen boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
thaw_date timestamp with time zone
shelf_time timestamp with time zone
cut_in_line boolean
mint_condition boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true
shelf_expire_time timestamp with time zone
current_shelf_lib integer REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
behind_desk boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
Constraints on hold_request
Indexes on hold_request
hold_request_current_copy_before_cap_idx current_copy) WHERE ((capture_time IS NULL) AND (cancel_time IS NULL)
hold_request_current_copy_idx current_copy
hold_request_fulfillment_staff_idx fulfillment_staff
hold_request_open_idx id) WHERE ((cancel_time IS NULL) AND (fulfillment_time IS NULL)
hold_request_pickup_lib_idx pickup_lib
hold_request_prev_check_time_idx prev_check_time
hold_request_requestor_idx requestor
hold_request_target_idx target
hold_request_usr_idx usr
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id serial PRIMARY KEY
label text UNIQUE
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
hold bigint NOT NULL REFERENCES action.table.hold-request
title text NOT NULL
body text NOT NULL
slip boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
pub boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
staff boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
Indexes on hold_request_note
id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('action.transit_copy_id_seq'::regclass)
source_send_time timestamp with time zone
dest_recv_time timestamp with time zone
target_copy bigint NOT NULL
source integer NOT NULL
dest integer NOT NULL
prev_hop integer
copy_status integer NOT NULL
persistant_transfer boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
prev_dest integer
hold integer REFERENCES action.table.hold-request
Indexes on hold_transit_copy
active_hold_transit_cp_idx target_copy
active_hold_transit_dest_idx dest
active_hold_transit_source_idx source
hold_transit_copy_hold_idx hold
id serial PRIMARY KEY
item bigint NOT NULL
staff integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
org_unit integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
use_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
Indexes on in_house_use
action_in_house_use_staff_idx staff
id serial PRIMARY KEY
item_type bigint NOT NULL REFERENCES config.table.non-cataloged-type
staff integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
org_unit integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
use_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
Indexes on non_cat_in_house_use
non_cat_in_house_use_staff_idx staff
id serial PRIMARY KEY
patron integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
staff integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
circ_lib integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
item_type integer NOT NULL REFERENCES config.table.non-cataloged-type
circ_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
Indexes on non_cataloged_circulation
action_non_cat_circ_patron_idx patron
action_non_cat_circ_staff_idx staff
id bigint
usr integer
xact_start timestamp with time zone
xact_finish timestamp with time zone
unrecovered boolean
target_copy bigint
circ_lib integer
circ_staff integer
checkin_staff integer
checkin_lib integer
renewal_remaining integer
grace_period interval
due_date timestamp with time zone
stop_fines_time timestamp with time zone
checkin_time timestamp with time zone
create_time timestamp with time zone
duration interval
fine_interval interval
recurring_fine numeric(6,2)
max_fine numeric(6,2)
phone_renewal boolean
desk_renewal boolean
opac_renewal boolean
duration_rule text
recurring_fine_rule text
max_fine_rule text
stop_fines text
workstation integer
checkin_workstation integer
copy_location integer
checkin_scan_time timestamp with time zone
parent_circ bigint
id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('action.transit_copy_id_seq'::regclass)
source_send_time timestamp with time zone
dest_recv_time timestamp with time zone
target_copy bigint NOT NULL REFERENCES booking.table.resource
source integer NOT NULL
dest integer NOT NULL
prev_hop integer
copy_status integer NOT NULL
persistant_transfer boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
prev_dest integer
reservation integer REFERENCES booking.table.reservation
Indexes on reservation_transit_copy
active_reservation_transit_cp_idx target_copy
active_reservation_transit_dest_idx dest
active_reservation_transit_source_idx source
id serial PRIMARY KEY
owner integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
start_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
end_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT (now() + '10 years'::interval)
usr_summary boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
opac boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
poll boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
required boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
name text NOT NULL
description text NOT NULL
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id serial PRIMARY KEY
question integer NOT NULL REFERENCES action.table.survey-question
answer text NOT NULL
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id serial PRIMARY KEY
survey integer NOT NULL REFERENCES action.table.survey
question text NOT NULL
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
response_group_id integer
usr integer
survey integer NOT NULL REFERENCES action.table.survey
question integer NOT NULL REFERENCES action.table.survey-question
answer integer NOT NULL REFERENCES action.table.survey-answer
answer_date timestamp with time zone
effective_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
Indexes on survey_response
action_survey_response_usr_idx usr
id serial PRIMARY KEY
source_send_time timestamp with time zone
dest_recv_time timestamp with time zone
target_copy bigint NOT NULL
source integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
dest integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
prev_hop integer REFERENCES action.table.transit-copy
copy_status integer NOT NULL REFERENCES config.table.copy-status
persistant_transfer boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
prev_dest integer REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
Indexes on transit_copy
active_transit_cp_idx target_copy
active_transit_dest_idx dest
active_transit_source_idx source
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
hold integer
circ_lib integer
count bigint
id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
current_copy bigint NOT NULL
hold integer NOT NULL
circ_lib integer NOT NULL
fail_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
Indexes on unfulfilled_hold_list
hold integer
circ_lib integer
count bigint