audit_id bigint PRIMARY KEY
audit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
id bigint NOT NULL
creator integer NOT NULL
editor integer NOT NULL
selector integer NOT NULL
provider integer
purchase_order integer
picklist integer
expected_recv_time timestamp with time zone
create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
edit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
marc text NOT NULL
eg_bib_id bigint
source_label text
state text NOT NULL
cancel_reason integer
estimated_unit_price numeric
claim_policy integer
queued_record bigint
Indexes on acq_lineitem_history
acq_lineitem_hist_id_idx id
acq_lineitem_history_queued_record_idx queued_record
?column? bigint
audit_time timestamp with time zone
audit_action text
id bigint
creator integer
editor integer
selector integer
provider integer
purchase_order integer
picklist integer
expected_recv_time timestamp with time zone
create_time timestamp with time zone
edit_time timestamp with time zone
marc text
eg_bib_id bigint
source_label text
state text
cancel_reason integer
estimated_unit_price numeric
claim_policy integer
queued_record bigint
audit_id bigint PRIMARY KEY
audit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
id integer NOT NULL
owner integer NOT NULL
creator integer NOT NULL
editor integer NOT NULL
ordering_agency integer NOT NULL
create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
edit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
provider integer NOT NULL
state text NOT NULL
order_date timestamp with time zone
name text NOT NULL
cancel_reason integer
prepayment_required boolean NOT NULL
Indexes on acq_purchase_order_history
?column? bigint
audit_time timestamp with time zone
audit_action text
id integer
owner integer
creator integer
editor integer
ordering_agency integer
create_time timestamp with time zone
edit_time timestamp with time zone
provider integer
state text
order_date timestamp with time zone
name text
cancel_reason integer
prepayment_required boolean
fund integer
amount numeric
fund integer
amount numeric
fund integer
amount numeric
fund integer
amount numeric
fund integer
amount numeric
id serial PRIMARY KEY
org_unit integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
label text UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL
description text NOT NULL
keep_debits boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id serial PRIMARY KEY
type integer NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.claim-type
lineitem_detail bigint NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.lineitem-detail
Indexes on claim
claim_lid_idx lineitem_detail
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
type integer NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.claim-event-type
claim serial NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.claim
event_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
creator integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
note text
Indexes on claim_event
claim_event_claim_date_idx claim, event_date
id serial PRIMARY KEY
org_unit integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
code text UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL
description text NOT NULL
library_initiated boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id serial PRIMARY KEY
org_unit integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
name text UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL
description text NOT NULL
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id serial PRIMARY KEY
claim_policy integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.claim-policy
action_interval interval UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL
action integer NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.claim-event-type
id serial PRIMARY KEY
org_unit integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
code text UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL
description text NOT NULL
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
code text PRIMARY KEY
label text
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id integer PRIMARY KEY
fund_debit integer NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.fund-debit
debit_amount numeric NOT NULL
funding_source_credit integer REFERENCES acq.table.funding-source-credit
credit_amount numeric
Indexes on debit_attribution
acq_attribution_credit_idx funding_source_credit
acq_attribution_debit_idx fund_debit
id serial PRIMARY KEY
owner integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
name text UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL
skip_count integer NOT NULL
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
creator integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
formula integer NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.distribution-formula
lineitem integer NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.lineitem
Indexes on distribution_formula_application
acqdfa_creator_idx creator
acqdfa_df_idx formula
acqdfa_li_idx lineitem
id serial PRIMARY KEY
formula integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.distribution-formula
position integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL
item_count integer NOT NULL
owning_lib integer REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
location integer REFERENCES asset.table.copy-location
fund integer REFERENCES acq.table.fund
circ_modifier text REFERENCES config.table.circ-modifier
collection_code text
Constraints on distribution_formula_entry
acqdfe_must_be_somewhere CHECK
id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('config.remote_account_id_seq'::regclass)
label text NOT NULL
host text NOT NULL
username text
password text
account text
path text
owner integer NOT NULL
last_activity timestamp with time zone
provider integer NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.provider
in_dir text
vendcode text
vendacct text
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id serial PRIMARY KEY
account integer REFERENCES acq.table.edi-account
remote_file text
create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
translate_time timestamp with time zone
process_time timestamp with time zone
error_time timestamp with time zone
status text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'new'::text
edi text
jedi text
error text
purchase_order integer REFERENCES acq.table.purchase-order
message_type text NOT NULL
Constraints on edi_message
status_value CHECK status = ANY (ARRAY['new'::text
valid_message_type CHECK message_type = ANY (ARRAY['ORDERS'::text
Indexes on edi_message
edi_message_account_status_idx account, status
edi_message_po_idx purchase_order
id serial PRIMARY KEY
from_currency text UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.currency-type
to_currency text UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.currency-type
ratio numeric NOT NULL
id serial PRIMARY KEY
name text NOT NULL
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id serial PRIMARY KEY
calendar integer UNIQUE #1 UNIQUE #2 NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.fiscal-calendar
year integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL
year_begin timestamp with time zone UNIQUE #2 NOT NULL
year_end timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
id serial PRIMARY KEY
org integer UNIQUE #2 UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
name text UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL
year integer UNIQUE #2 UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL DEFAULT date_part('year'::text, now())
currency_type text NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.currency-type
code text UNIQUE #2
rollover boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
propagate boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true
active boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true
balance_warning_percent integer
balance_stop_percent integer
Constraints on fund
acq_fund_rollover_implies_propagate CHECK propagate OR (NOT rollover)
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id serial PRIMARY KEY
funding_source integer NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.funding-source
fund integer NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.fund
amount numeric NOT NULL
allocator integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
note text
create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
Indexes on fund_allocation
fund_alloc_allocator_idx allocator
id serial PRIMARY KEY
funding_source integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.funding-source
org integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
fund_code text UNIQUE #1
percent numeric NOT NULL
allocator integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
note text
create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
Constraints on fund_allocation_percent
fund integer
amount numeric(100,2)
fund integer
amount numeric
id serial PRIMARY KEY
fund integer NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.fund
origin_amount numeric NOT NULL
origin_currency_type text NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.currency-type
amount numeric NOT NULL
encumbrance boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true
debit_type text NOT NULL
xfer_destination integer REFERENCES acq.table.fund
create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
fund integer
amount numeric
fund integer
amount numeric
fund integer
amount numeric
fund integer
amount numeric
id serial PRIMARY KEY
owner integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
name text UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id serial PRIMARY KEY
fund integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.fund
tag integer UNIQUE #1 REFERENCES acq.table.fund-tag
Fund Transfer
Each row represents the transfer of money from a source fund
to a destination fund. There should be corresponding entries
in acq.fund_allocation. The purpose of acq.fund_transfer is
to record how much money moved from which fund to which other
The presence of two amount fields, rather than one, reflects
the possibility that the two funds are denominated in different
currencies. If they use the same currency type, the two
amounts should be the same.
id serial PRIMARY KEY
src_fund integer NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.fund
src_amount numeric NOT NULL
dest_fund integer REFERENCES acq.table.fund
dest_amount numeric
transfer_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
transfer_user integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
note text
funding_source_credit integer NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.funding-source-credit
Indexes on fund_transfer
acqftr_usr_idx transfer_user
id serial PRIMARY KEY
name text UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL
owner integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
currency_type text NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.currency-type
code text UNIQUE
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
funding_source integer
amount numeric(100,2)
funding_source integer
amount numeric(100,2)
id serial PRIMARY KEY
funding_source integer NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.funding-source
amount numeric NOT NULL
note text
deadline_date timestamp with time zone
effective_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
funding_source integer
amount numeric
id serial PRIMARY KEY
receiver integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
provider integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.provider
shipper integer NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.provider
recv_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
recv_method text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'EDI'::text REFERENCES acq.table.invoice-method
inv_type text
inv_ident text UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL
payment_auth text
payment_method text REFERENCES acq.table.invoice-payment-method
note text
complete boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id serial PRIMARY KEY
invoice integer NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.invoice
purchase_order integer REFERENCES acq.table.purchase-order
lineitem integer REFERENCES acq.table.lineitem
inv_item_count integer NOT NULL
phys_item_count integer
note text
billed_per_item boolean
cost_billed numeric(8,2)
actual_cost numeric(8,2)
amount_paid numeric(8,2)
Indexes on invoice_entry
ie_inv_idx invoice
ie_li_idx lineitem
ie_po_idx purchase_order
id serial PRIMARY KEY
invoice integer NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.invoice
purchase_order integer REFERENCES acq.table.purchase-order
fund_debit integer REFERENCES acq.table.fund-debit
inv_item_type text NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.invoice-item-type
title text
author text
note text
cost_billed numeric(8,2)
actual_cost numeric(8,2)
fund integer REFERENCES acq.table.fund
amount_paid numeric(8,2)
po_item integer REFERENCES acq.table.po-item
target bigint
Indexes on invoice_item
ii_inv_idx invoice
ii_po_idx purchase_order
ii_poi_idx po_item
code text PRIMARY KEY
name text NOT NULL
prorate boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
blanket boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
Constraints on invoice_item_type
aiit_not_blanket_and_prorate CHECK
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
code text PRIMARY KEY
name text NOT NULL
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
code text PRIMARY KEY
name text NOT NULL
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
creator integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
editor integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
selector integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
provider integer REFERENCES acq.table.provider
purchase_order integer REFERENCES acq.table.purchase-order
picklist integer REFERENCES acq.table.picklist
expected_recv_time timestamp with time zone
create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
edit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
marc text NOT NULL
eg_bib_id bigint REFERENCES biblio.table.record-entry
source_label text
state text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'new'::text
cancel_reason integer REFERENCES acq.table.cancel-reason
estimated_unit_price numeric
claim_policy integer REFERENCES acq.table.claim-policy
queued_record bigint REFERENCES vandelay.table.queued-bib-record
Constraints on lineitem
Indexes on lineitem
li_creator_idx creator
li_editor_idx editor
li_pl_idx picklist
li_po_idx purchase_order
li_queued_record_idx queued_record
li_selector_idx selector
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id serial PRIMARY KEY
code text UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL
description text
owning_lib integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
definition bigint NOT NULL
lineitem bigint NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.lineitem
attr_type text NOT NULL
attr_name text NOT NULL
attr_value text NOT NULL
order_ident boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
Indexes on lineitem_attr
li_attr_definition_idx definition
li_attr_li_idx lineitem
li_attr_value_idx attr_value
id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
code text NOT NULL
description text NOT NULL
remove text NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::text
ident boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
lineitem integer NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.lineitem
fund integer REFERENCES acq.table.fund
fund_debit integer REFERENCES acq.table.fund-debit
eg_copy_id bigint
barcode text
cn_label text
note text
collection_code text
circ_modifier text REFERENCES config.table.circ-modifier
owning_lib integer REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
location integer REFERENCES asset.table.copy-location
recv_time timestamp with time zone
receiver integer REFERENCES actor.table.usr
cancel_reason integer REFERENCES acq.table.cancel-reason
Indexes on lineitem_detail
li_detail_li_idx lineitem
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('acq.lineitem_attr_definition_id_seq'::regclass)
code text NOT NULL
description text NOT NULL
remove text NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::text
ident boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
xpath text NOT NULL
id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('acq.lineitem_attr_definition_id_seq'::regclass)
code text NOT NULL
description text NOT NULL
remove text NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::text
ident boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('acq.lineitem_attr_definition_id_seq'::regclass)
code text NOT NULL
description text NOT NULL
remove text NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::text
ident boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
xpath text NOT NULL
id serial PRIMARY KEY
lineitem integer NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.lineitem
creator integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
editor integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
edit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
value text NOT NULL
alert_text integer REFERENCES acq.table.lineitem-alert-text
vendor_public boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
Indexes on lineitem_note
li_note_creator_idx creator
li_note_editor_idx editor
li_note_li_idx lineitem
id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('acq.lineitem_attr_definition_id_seq'::regclass)
code text NOT NULL
description text NOT NULL
remove text NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::text
ident boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
xpath text NOT NULL
provider integer NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.provider
lineitem bigint
item_count bigint
recv_count bigint
cancel_count bigint
delay_count bigint
invoice_count bigint
claim_count bigint
estimated_amount numeric(8,2)
encumbrance_amount numeric(8,2)
paid_amount numeric(8,2)
id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('acq.lineitem_attr_definition_id_seq'::regclass)
code text NOT NULL
description text NOT NULL
remove text NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::text
ident boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
usr integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
Indexes on lineitem_usr_attr_definition
li_usr_attr_def_usr_idx usr
The acq.ordered_funding_source_credit view is a prioritized
ordering of funding source credits. When ordered by the first
three columns, this view defines the order in which the various
credits are to be tapped for spending, subject to the allocations
in the acq.fund_allocation table.
The first column reflects the principle that we should spend
money with deadlines before spending money without deadlines.
The second column reflects the principle that we should spend the
oldest money first. For money with deadlines, that means that we
spend first from the credit with the earliest deadline. For
money without deadlines, we spend first from the credit with the
earliest effective date.
The third column is a tie breaker to ensure a consistent
sort_priority integer
sort_date timestamp with time zone
id integer
funding_source integer
amount numeric
note text
id serial PRIMARY KEY
owner integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
creator integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
editor integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
org_unit integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
name text UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL
create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
edit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
Indexes on picklist
acq_picklist_creator_idx creator
acq_picklist_editor_idx editor
acq_picklist_owner_idx owner
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id serial PRIMARY KEY
purchase_order integer REFERENCES acq.table.purchase-order
fund_debit integer REFERENCES acq.table.fund-debit
inv_item_type text NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.invoice-item-type
title text
author text
note text
estimated_cost numeric(8,2)
fund integer REFERENCES acq.table.fund
target bigint
Indexes on po_item
poi_po_idx purchase_order
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id serial PRIMARY KEY
purchase_order integer NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.purchase-order
creator integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
editor integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
edit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
value text NOT NULL
vendor_public boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
Indexes on po_note
acq_po_note_creator_idx creator
acq_po_note_editor_idx editor
po_note_po_idx purchase_order
id serial PRIMARY KEY
name text UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL
owner integer UNIQUE #2 UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
currency_type text NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.currency-type
code text UNIQUE #2 NOT NULL
holding_tag text
san text
edi_default integer REFERENCES acq.table.edi-account
active boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true
prepayment_required boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
url text
email text
phone text
fax_phone text
default_copy_count integer NOT NULL
default_claim_policy integer REFERENCES acq.table.claim-policy
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id serial PRIMARY KEY
valid boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true
address_type text
provider integer NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.provider
street1 text NOT NULL
street2 text
city text NOT NULL
county text
state text NOT NULL
country text NOT NULL
post_code text NOT NULL
fax_phone text
id serial PRIMARY KEY
provider integer NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.provider
name text NOT NULL
role text
email text
phone text
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id serial PRIMARY KEY
valid boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true
address_type text
contact integer NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.provider-contact
street1 text NOT NULL
street2 text
city text NOT NULL
county text
state text NOT NULL
country text NOT NULL
post_code text NOT NULL
fax_phone text
id serial PRIMARY KEY
provider integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.provider
name text UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL
subfield text NOT NULL
id serial PRIMARY KEY
provider integer NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.provider
creator integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
editor integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
edit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
value text NOT NULL
Indexes on provider_note
acq_pro_note_creator_idx creator
acq_pro_note_editor_idx editor
acq_pro_note_pro_idx provider
id serial PRIMARY KEY
owner integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
creator integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
editor integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
ordering_agency integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
edit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
provider integer NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.provider
state text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'new'::text
order_date timestamp with time zone
name text NOT NULL
cancel_reason integer REFERENCES acq.table.cancel-reason
prepayment_required boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
Constraints on purchase_order
valid_po_state CHECK state = ANY (ARRAY['new'::text
Indexes on purchase_order
acq_po_org_name_order_date_idx ordering_agency, name, order_date
po_creator_idx creator
po_editor_idx editor
po_owner_idx owner
po_provider_idx provider
po_state_idx state
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id serial PRIMARY KEY
type integer NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.claim-type
item bigint NOT NULL REFERENCES serial.table.item
Indexes on serial_claim
serial_claim_lid_idx item
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
type integer NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.claim-event-type
claim serial NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.serial-claim
event_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
creator integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
note text
Indexes on serial_claim_event
serial_claim_event_claim_date_idx claim, event_date
id serial PRIMARY KEY
usr integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
hold boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true
pickup_lib integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
holdable_formats text
phone_notify text
email_notify boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true
lineitem integer REFERENCES acq.table.lineitem
eg_bib bigint REFERENCES biblio.table.record-entry
request_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
need_before timestamp with time zone
max_fee text
request_type integer NOT NULL REFERENCES acq.table.user-request-type
isxn text
title text
volume text
author text
article_title text
article_pages text
publisher text
location text
pubdate text
mentioned text
other_info text
cancel_reason integer REFERENCES acq.table.cancel-reason
id serial PRIMARY KEY
label text UNIQUE NOT NULL
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints