id serial PRIMARY KEY
name text UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL
owning_lib integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
creator integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
container integer NOT NULL REFERENCES container.table.biblio-record-entry-bucket
create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
search text NOT NULL
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id serial PRIMARY KEY
redirect_from integer REFERENCES url-verify.table.url
item integer REFERENCES container.table.biblio-record-entry-bucket-item
session integer REFERENCES url-verify.table.session
url_selector integer REFERENCES url-verify.table.url-selector
tag text
subfield text
ord integer
full_url text NOT NULL
scheme text
username text
password text
host text
domain text
tld text
port text
path text
page text
query text
fragment text
Constraints on url * redirect_or_from_item CHECK
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id serial PRIMARY KEY
xpath text UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL
session integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES url-verify.table.session
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id serial PRIMARY KEY
url integer NOT NULL REFERENCES url-verify.table.url
attempt integer NOT NULL REFERENCES url-verify.table.verification-attempt
req_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
res_time timestamp with time zone
res_code integer
res_text text
redirect_to integer REFERENCES url-verify.table.url
Constraints on url_verification * url_verification_res_code_check CHECK
id serial PRIMARY KEY
usr integer NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.usr
session integer NOT NULL REFERENCES url-verify.table.session
start_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
finish_time timestamp with time zone
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints