module text PRIMARY KEY
description text
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
module text PRIMARY KEY
description text
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id serial PRIMARY KEY
event_def integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES action-trigger.table.event-definition
path text
collector text REFERENCES action-trigger.table.collector
label text UNIQUE #1
Constraints on environment * environment_label_check CHECK label <> ALL (ARRAY['result'::text
id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
target bigint NOT NULL
event_def integer REFERENCES action-trigger.table.event-definition
add_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
run_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
start_time timestamp with time zone
update_time timestamp with time zone
complete_time timestamp with time zone
update_process integer
state text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'pending'::text
user_data text
template_output bigint REFERENCES action-trigger.table.event-output
error_output bigint REFERENCES action-trigger.table.event-output
async_output bigint REFERENCES action-trigger.table.event-output
Constraints on event * event_state_check CHECK state = ANY (ARRAY['pending'::text
event_user_data_check CHECK
Indexes on event
atev_def_state event_def, state
atev_target_def_idx target, event_def
id serial PRIMARY KEY
active boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true
owner integer UNIQUE #2 UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.table.org-unit
name text UNIQUE #2 NOT NULL
hook text UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES action-trigger.table.hook
validator text UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES action-trigger.table.validator
reactor text UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES action-trigger.table.reactor
cleanup_success text REFERENCES action-trigger.table.cleanup
cleanup_failure text REFERENCES action-trigger.table.cleanup
delay interval UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL DEFAULT '00:05:00'::interval
max_delay interval
repeat_delay interval
usr_field text
opt_in_setting text REFERENCES config.table.usr-setting-type
delay_field text UNIQUE #1
group_field text
template text
granularity text
message_template text
message_usr_path text
message_library_path text
message_title text
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
is_error boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
data text NOT NULL
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
event_def integer UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES action-trigger.table.event-definition
param text UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL
value text NOT NULL
key text PRIMARY KEY
core_type text NOT NULL
description text
passive boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
module text PRIMARY KEY
description text
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
module text PRIMARY KEY
description text
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints