Uploading Offline Transactions
Once you are able to connect to the server, you need to upload the offline
transactions. To avoid confusion for patrons and in the system, you should
upload the offline transactions as soon as possible.
Once you can connect to the server, there are 3 steps to uploading offline
Create a session: to be done by local system administrators at an
administration workstation.
Upload transactions to a session: to be done by circulation staff at
circulation workstations.
Process the uploaded transactions: to be done by local system administrators
at an administration workstation.
Once network connectivity has been restored, a local system administrator must
create an offline transaction session. Then, staff can upload transactions from
each of the workstations used in offline circulation mode to that session.
Once all of the branch workstations have uploaded their transactions to the
session, the manager processes all the transactions from all the workstations
at once.
Uploading transactions to the session does not put the transactions into the
Evergreen database. The transactions will not be sent to the Evergreen database
until the manager processes the session.
Creating an Offline Session
In the Evergreen staff client:
Log into Evergreen using an account with local system administrator
Select Admin (-) → Offline Transaction Management from the menu. The
Offline Transactions screen opens. Previously created sessions are listed
in the Offline Sessions section.
In the upper Offline Sessions section, click Create to create a new
Enter a name for the session, like
Internet Down 2012-12-02
. Click OK.
In the Offline Sessions section, highlight the session you created. An
Uploaded Transactions section appears in the bottom of the screen.
Initially, this section is empty.
Inform library staff that the session has been created and tell them the
name of the session.
Uploading Workstation Transactions to a Session
Wait until the local system administrator has created a session and told you
that it’s ready for your upload. There may be several sessions shown on the
Offline Transaction Management screen, so you will need the name of the
correct session from your local system administrator.
Each workstation used to perform offline circulation during the outage must
upload its transactions to the offline transaction session.
To upload offline transaction from a workstation to a session, perform
the following steps in the Evergreen staff client:
Log into Evergreen with your regular username and password.
Select Admin (-) → Offline Transaction Management from the menu. The
Offline Transactions screen opens. You should see at least one session
in the Offline Sessions section. You may also see older sessions.
In the upper Offline Sessions section, highlight the correct session,
then click Upload. The transactions are transferred to the Evergreen
When the transactions have been uploaded, select the session in the Offline
Sessions section. The value in the Upload Count column has increased by 1
and your workstation is now listed in the Uploaded Transactions section.
Inform your local system administrator that your transaction has been
uploaded to the session.
Processing the Transactions
When all of the participating staff workstations have uploaded their
transactions to the offline session, the workstation names are listed
in the Uploaded Transactions section. To process the offline transactions
and make them live on the Evergreen server:
Log into Evergreen using an account with local system administrator
Select Admin (-) → Offline Transaction Management from the menu. The
Offline Transactions screen opens. Previously created sessions are listed
in the Offline Sessions section.
Highlight the correct session and, if necessary, click Refresh to verify
all the participating workstations have uploaded their transactions to your
Click Process. The processing may take some time to complete, depending on
how many transactions you have done. Click Refresh to see the updated
status of the processing step. Processing is complete when the Processing?
column shows
The number in the Transactions Processed column is equal to the number of items
checked out or checked in. For example, 5 transactions processed could mean that:
5 items were checked out, or
3 items were checked in and 2 items were checked out, or
5 items were checked in.
Exceptions are problems that were encountered during processing. For example,
a mis-scanned patron barcode, an open circulation, or an item that was not
checked in before it was checked out to another patron would be listed as an
exception. Those transactions causing exceptions may not be loaded into
Evergreen database. Staff should examine the exceptions and take necessary
These are a few notes about possible exceptions. It is not an all-inclusive
Checking out a DVD with the wrong date (leaving due date set at +2 weeks
instead of +1 week) does not cause an exception.
Overdue books are not flagged as exceptions.
Checking out a reference book does not cause an exception.
Checking out an item belonging to another library does not cause an
The Standalone Interface does not recognize books on hold, so no exceptions
will be generated when matching items are checked in or checked out.
The Standalone Interface can recognize blocked, barred, and expired patrons,
as well as lost cards, if you have recently run an Admin (-) → Download
Offline Patron List action on the workstation on which you are using the
Standalone Interface. You will get an error message indicating the patron
status from within the Standalone Interface at check-out time.
- Indicates the book should be routed to another branch or
library system. You’ll need to find the book and re-check it in (online) to
get the Transit Slip to print.
- Indicates a book previously marked as lost was found and
checked in.
- Indicates a book previously marked as
claimed-returned was found and checked in.
- Indicates the item barcode was
- Indicates the patron’s library barcode was
mis-scanned/ mis-typed.
- Indicates a book was checked out that had never
been checked in.
- Indicates the item has already been renewed the
maximum times allowed (or it’s a video/DVD).