Placing Holds in Patron Records

  1. Holds can be placed from patron records too. In the patron record on the Holds screen, click the Place Hold button on the left top corner.
  2. The catalog is displayed in the Holds screen to search for the title on which you want to place a hold.
  3. Search for the title and click the Place Hold link.
  4. The patron’s account information is retrieved automatically. Set up the notification and expiration date fields. Click Place Hold and confirm your action in the pop-up window.
  5. You may continue to search for more titles. Once you are done, click the Holds button on the top to go back to the Holds screen. Click the Refresh button to display your newly placed holds.

Placing Multiple Holds on Same Title

After a successful hold placement, staff have the option to place another hold on the same title by clicking the link Place another hold for this title. This returns to the hold screen, where a different patron’s information can be entered.


This feature can be useful for book groups or new items where a list of waiting patrons needs to be transferred into the system.