In all these examples, the unique part of the barcode is 123. So that is all that users will need to type to match the full barcode.
Barcode: 4545000123
To match this 10 character barcode by only typing in 123 we need the following settings.
The system takes the 123 that you entered and adds the prefix to the beginning of it. Then adds zeros between the prefix and your number to pad it out to 10 characters. Then it searches the database for that barcode.
Barcode: 123000book
To match this 10 character barcode by only typing in 123 we need the following settings.
The system takes the 123 that you entered and adds the suffix to the end of it. Then adds zeros between your number and the suffix to pad it out to 10 characters. Then it searches the database for that barcode.
Barcode: 0000000123
To match this 10 character barcode by only typing in 123 we need the following settings.
The system takes the 123 that you entered, then adds zeros between your number and the left to pad it out to 10 characters. Then it searches the database for that barcode.
Barcode: 1230000000
To match this 10 character barcode by only typing in 123 we need the following settings.
The system takes the 123 that you entered, then adds zeros between your number and the right to pad it out to 10 characters. Then it searches the database for that barcode.
Barcode: a123b
To match this 5 character barcode by only typing in 123 we need the following settings. This use of Barcode Completion doesn’t save many keystrokes, but it does allow you to handle the case where your barcode scanners at one point were set to output a prefix and suffix which was stored in the database. Now your barcode scanners no longer include the prefix and suffix. These settings will simply add the prefix and suffix to any barcode entered and search for that.
The system takes the 123 that you entered, then adds the prefix and suffix specified. Then it searches the database for that barcode. Because no length or padding was entered, this rule will add the prefix and suffix to any barcode that is entered and then search for that valid barcode.