Chapter 83. TPAC Copy Edit Links

The bibliographic record detail page displays library holdings, including the call number, shelving location, and copy barcode. Within the staff client, the holdings list now displays a new column next to the copy barcode(s). This new column contains two links, view and edit.

Copy Edit Link

Clicking on the view link opens the Item Status screen for that specific copy.

Clicking on the edit link opens the Volume and Copy Creator screen for that specific copy.

The edit link will only be exposed next to copies when the user has the UPDATE_COPY permission at the copy owning or circulating library.

For libraries where the Library Setting: Unified Volume/Item Creator/Editor value is set to True, the unified Volume and Copy Creator screen will open.

For libraries where the Library Setting: Unified Volume/Item Creator/Editor value is set to False, the standard Volume and Copy Creator screen will open.