Added Content by Record ID

The Template Toolkit OPAC will now load all Added Content by the Record ID, not just jacket images. This will allow added content providers that support it to load additional content by other identifiers.

Content Cafe Added Content Update

The OpenILS::WWW::AddedContent::ContentCafe provider has been updated to use the newer Content Cafe 2 API in full. With this update the ability to load content based on ISBN or UPC is now enabled.

"No Image" Images

With the updated code the option for displaying a "No Image" image or a 1x1 pixel image is no longer available. Instead the Apache-level "blank image" rules will trigger when no image is available. The configuration option controlling this behavior can thus be removed from opensrf.xml entirely.

Identifier Selection

By default the module will prefer ISBNs over UPCs, but will request information for both. If you wish for UPCs to be preferred, or wish one of the two identifier types to not be considered at all, you can change the "identifier_order" option in opensrf.xml. When the option is present only the identifier(s) listed will be sent.

More RDA 264 tag support

The OPAC now displays RDA bib tag 264 information for Producer, Distributor, Manufacturer, and Copyright within a full bib record’s summary. This is in addition to the RDA bib tag 264 publisher information, indicator 2 equal to 1, that was already being displayed in previous versions of Evergreen. The OPAC full bib view also now contains the Schema.org copyrightYear value.

Additionally, this information is now available in search results as well when viewing more details.

Sitemap generator

A sitemap directs search engines to the pages of interest in a web site so that the search engines can intelligently crawl your site. In the case of Evergreen, the primary pages of interest are the bibliographic record detail pages.

The sitemap generator script creates sitemaps that adhere to the http://sitemaps.org specification, including:

  • limiting the number of URLs per sitemap file to no more than 50,000 URLs;
  • providing the date that the bibliographic record was last edited, so that once a search engine has crawled all of your sites' record detail pages, it only has to reindex those pages that are new or have changed since the last crawl;
  • generating a sitemap index file that points to each of the sitemap files.