Installing prerequisites

Evergreen has a number of prerequisite packages that must be installed before you can successfully configure, compile, and install Evergreen.

  1. Begin by installing the most recent version of OpenSRF (2.4.0 or later). You can download OpenSRF releases from
  2. On many distributions, it is necessary to install PostgreSQL 9.1+ from external repositories.

    • On Debian Squeeze, open /etc/apt/sources.list in a text editor as the root Linux account and add the following line:

      deb squeeze-backports main contrib
    • Ubuntu Precise and Trusty comes with PostgreSQL 9.1+, so no additional steps are required.
    • Fedora 19 and 20 come with PostgreSQL 9.2+, so no additional steps are required.
  3. On Debian and Ubuntu, run aptitude update as the root Linux account to retrieve the new packages from the backports repository.
  4. Issue the following commands as the root Linux account to install prerequisites using the Makefile.install prerequisite installer, substituting debian-jessie, debian-wheezy, debian-squeeze, fedora, ubuntu-trusty, or ubuntu-precise for <osname> below:

    make -f Open-ILS/src/extras/Makefile.install <osname>
  5. Add the libdbi-libdbd libraries to the system dynamic library path by issuing the following commands as the root Linux account:


    You should skip this step if installing on Ubuntu Precise, Trusty or Debian Jessie. The ubuntu and Debian Jessie targets use libdbd-pgsql from packages.

    Debian Wheezy. 

    echo "/usr/local/lib/dbd" > /etc/


    echo "/usr/lib64/dbd" > /etc/