Traditionally, Evergreen has supported Added Content lookups by ISBN only, or (more recently) by one of ISBN or UPC.
This enhancement adds support for Added Content lookups by record ID, while still supporting the previous URL format for lookups by ISBN.
The JSPAC and TPAC skins, as well as the web-based Self Checkout interface templates are updated to use jacket images / cover art by record ID by default.
By using record identifiers, the Added Content handler has the opportunity to examine additional identifiers in the bib record. Currently, these include:
Currently, only the OpenILS::WWW::AddedContent::Syndetic provider makes use of the new identifiers.
Just as with ISBN lookups, there is support for local overrides in the form of a file created on disk which short-circuits any external Added Content lookup.
The example Apache configs have been updated to support serving blank.png when added content jacket URLs return a 404. This prevents "broken image" placeholders in browsers, without requiring a Javascript onerror handler on each img tag.
The changes are as follows:
In the eg.conf VirtualHost declaration for SSL, add:
SSLProxyEngine on # required for ErrorDocument 404 on SSL connections
In the eg_vhost.conf file, add:
<Location /opac/extras/ac/jacket> ErrorDocument 404 /opac/images/blank.png </Location>
This feature provides a patron-oriented OPAC interface for browsing bibliographic records.
Users choose to browse by Author, Title, Subject, or Series. They then enter a browse term, and the nearest match from a left-anchored search on the headings extracted for browse purposes will be displayed in a typical backwards/forwards paging display. Headings link to search results pages showing the related records. If the browse heading is linked to any authority records, and if any other authority records point to those with "See also" or other non-main entry headings, those alternative headings are displayed linked to a search results page showing related bib records related to the alternate heading.
The counts of holdings displayed next to headings from bibliographic records are subject to the same visibility tests as search. This means that the org unit (and copy location group) dropdown on the browse interface affects counts, and it further means that whether or not you’re looking at the browse interface through the staff client makes a difference.
There are two off-by-default features that site administrators may wish to enable.
The Evergreen OPAC includes functionality for browsing by bibliographic terms, and, where those terms are controlled by authority records, for linking directly to the records that use other authority controlled terms that are appropriately linked to the browse-exposed term. In this way, one can browse authors for "King, Stephen" and, when appropriate and correct cataloging has been performed, be presented with a browse link within the author browse list to that brings the user to a "Bachman, Richard" entry, assuming visible bibliographic records are indeed attached to both records. Likewise, when browsing for "Bachman, Richard", users will be presented with a browse link leading to the "King, Stephen" browse location.
Additionally, any unused but inter-authority-linked terms will appear in the browse list if the linked heading is in use by bibliographic records. In this way, browsing for "Bachman, Richard" will lead the user to "King, Stephen" even if no bibliographic records make use of the "Bachman, Richard" heading.
Linked authority records will not be exposed if neither is in use by visible bibliographic records. This means that the feature will not lead to dead-end searches, but also means that this is not a complete authority browsing tool acceptable for use as such by a cataloger. See the Manage Authorities interface exposed through the Staff Client for that functionality.
The catalog now supports the display of conjoined items. The "joined" titles will display a copy record with a link in the copy table back to the "master" bib. The master bib will display a set of links to individual titles.
Filtering by shelving location is now available from the Advanced Search screen.
A patron may find one or more available copies of an item that they want to retrieve, but may not be familiar with the location, hours of operation, or contact information for each branch of their local library system. To enable the patron to quickly access information about a given library branch, the TPAC and KPAC can link the name of the branch in the copy details display to a URL associated with that branch.
To set the URL for a given branch, use the Local Administration → Library Settings Editor and edit the Library Information URL setting for that branch. Any branches that do not have a library information URL setting display as normal text.
When searching in the catalog, sites are able to set the search location by embedding a locg parameter in the URL. With this new features, sites will be able to use a branch’s shortname to set the search locations whereas previously, sites could only use an org unit id. This parameter is case insensitive.
Sites can now set a maintenance message to display in the catalog by setting the ctx.maintenance_message variable in config.tt2.
The My Lists feature has the following enhancements:
Patrons may now fill out a web-based form from within the TPAC to create pending user accounts. The goal is to make the registration process more efficient by allowing the patron to provide much of the registration details in advance of registering with staff.
Pending user accounts have no privileges.
The form supports hiding fields, requiring fields, applying format validation, and displaying example text for selected fields by inspecting the relevant patron registration Library Settings.
The "Request Library Card" link appears as the second default "bottom link" in the TPAC.
If a user is logged in when clicking the register link, the logged-in user will be tracked as the requesting user for the pending account. Additionally, the home org unit and some address fields will be pre-populated for convenience (with the assumption that these will likely be the same for the pending user — they can, of course, be changed). When a requesting user is present on the pending user, a link to the requesting user will be displayed within the patron registration form in the staff client.
Pending patron accounts which sit unattended in the database for too long are purged via a regularly running (CRON) script.
The Library Settings to indicate show/require/regex/example for patron registration are loaded dynamically, so any Library Settings added in the future will also be honored. Any setting matching the following format is used:
The design of the web catalog is more responsive, optimizing its display for mobile devices. Users will see the following changes to the catalog’s display when viewing it on a device with a small screen: