id serial PRIMARY KEY
record bigint UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL REFERENCES biblio.table.record-entry
label text UNIQUE #1 NOT NULL
label_sortkey text NOT NULL
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id serial PRIMARY KEY
peer_type integer NOT NULL REFERENCES biblio.table.peer-type
peer_record bigint NOT NULL REFERENCES biblio.table.record-entry
target_copy bigint NOT NULL
Indexes on peer_bib_copy_map
peer_bib_copy_map_copy_idx target_copy
peer_bib_copy_map_record_idx peer_record
id serial PRIMARY KEY
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
creator integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 REFERENCES actor.table.usr
editor integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 REFERENCES actor.table.usr
source integer
quality integer
create_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
edit_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
active boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true
deleted boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
fingerprint text
tcn_source text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'AUTOGEN'::text
tcn_value text NOT NULL DEFAULT next_autogen_tcn_value()
marc text NOT NULL
last_xact_id text NOT NULL
owner integer REFERENCES
share_depth integer
Indexes on record_entry
biblio_record_entry_create_date_idx create_date
biblio_record_entry_creator_idx creator
biblio_record_entry_edit_date_idx edit_date
biblio_record_entry_editor_idx editor
biblio_record_entry_fp_idx fingerprint
Tables referencing via foreign key constraints
id bigserial PRIMARY KEY
record bigint NOT NULL REFERENCES biblio.table.record-entry
value text NOT NULL
creator integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 REFERENCES actor.table.usr
editor integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 REFERENCES actor.table.usr
pub boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
create_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
edit_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
Indexes on record_note
biblio_record_note_creator_idx creator
biblio_record_note_editor_idx editor
biblio_record_note_record_idx record