audit_id bigint PRIMARY KEY
audit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
id integer NOT NULL
invoice integer NOT NULL
purchase_order integer
lineitem integer
inv_item_count integer NOT NULL
phys_item_count integer
note text
billed_per_item boolean
cost_billed numeric(8,2)
actual_cost numeric(8,2)
amount_paid numeric(8,2)
audit_user integer
audit_ws integer
audit_id bigint
audit_time timestamp with time zone
audit_action text
audit_user integer
audit_ws integer
id integer
invoice integer
purchase_order integer
lineitem integer
inv_item_count integer
phys_item_count integer
note text
billed_per_item boolean
cost_billed numeric(8,2)
actual_cost numeric(8,2)
amount_paid numeric(8,2)
audit_id bigint PRIMARY KEY
audit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
id integer NOT NULL
receiver integer NOT NULL
provider integer NOT NULL
shipper integer NOT NULL
recv_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
recv_method text NOT NULL
inv_type text
inv_ident text NOT NULL
payment_auth text
payment_method text
note text
complete boolean NOT NULL
audit_user integer
audit_ws integer
audit_id bigint PRIMARY KEY
audit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
id integer NOT NULL
invoice integer NOT NULL
purchase_order integer
fund_debit integer
inv_item_type text NOT NULL
title text
author text
note text
cost_billed numeric(8,2)
actual_cost numeric(8,2)
fund integer
amount_paid numeric(8,2)
po_item integer
target bigint
audit_user integer
audit_ws integer
audit_id bigint
audit_time timestamp with time zone
audit_action text
audit_user integer
audit_ws integer
id integer
invoice integer
purchase_order integer
fund_debit integer
inv_item_type text
title text
author text
note text
cost_billed numeric(8,2)
actual_cost numeric(8,2)
fund integer
amount_paid numeric(8,2)
po_item integer
target bigint
audit_id bigint
audit_time timestamp with time zone
audit_action text
audit_user integer
audit_ws integer
id integer
receiver integer
provider integer
shipper integer
recv_date timestamp with time zone
recv_method text
inv_type text
inv_ident text
payment_auth text
payment_method text
note text
complete boolean
audit_id bigint PRIMARY KEY
audit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
id integer NOT NULL
parent_ou integer
ou_type integer NOT NULL
ill_address integer
holds_address integer
mailing_address integer
billing_address integer
shortname text NOT NULL
name text NOT NULL
email text
phone text
opac_visible boolean NOT NULL
fiscal_calendar integer
audit_user integer
audit_ws integer
audit_id bigint
audit_time timestamp with time zone
audit_action text
audit_user integer
audit_ws integer
id integer
parent_ou integer
ou_type integer
ill_address integer
holds_address integer
mailing_address integer
billing_address integer
shortname text
name text
email text
phone text
opac_visible boolean
fiscal_calendar integer
audit_id bigint PRIMARY KEY
audit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
id integer NOT NULL
valid boolean NOT NULL
within_city_limits boolean NOT NULL
address_type text NOT NULL
usr integer NOT NULL
street1 text NOT NULL
street2 text
city text NOT NULL
county text
state text NOT NULL
country text NOT NULL
post_code text NOT NULL
pending boolean
replaces integer
audit_user integer
audit_ws integer
Indexes on actor_usr_address_history
aud_actor_usr_address_hist_id_idx id
audit_id bigint
audit_time timestamp with time zone
audit_action text
audit_user integer
audit_ws integer
id integer
valid boolean
within_city_limits boolean
address_type text
usr integer
street1 text
street2 text
city text
county text
state text
country text
post_code text
pending boolean
replaces integer
audit_id bigint PRIMARY KEY
audit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
id integer NOT NULL
card integer
profile integer NOT NULL
usrname text NOT NULL
email text
passwd text NOT NULL
standing integer NOT NULL
ident_type integer NOT NULL
ident_value text
ident_type2 integer
ident_value2 text
net_access_level integer NOT NULL
photo_url text
prefix text
first_given_name text NOT NULL
second_given_name text
family_name text NOT NULL
suffix text
day_phone text
evening_phone text
other_phone text
mailing_address integer
billing_address integer
home_ou integer NOT NULL
dob timestamp with time zone
active boolean NOT NULL
master_account boolean NOT NULL
super_user boolean NOT NULL
barred boolean NOT NULL
deleted boolean NOT NULL
usrgroup integer NOT NULL
claims_returned_count integer NOT NULL
credit_forward_balance numeric(6,2) NOT NULL
last_xact_id text NOT NULL
alert_message text
create_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
expire_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
alias text
juvenile boolean
claims_never_checked_out_count integer
last_update_time timestamp with time zone
audit_user integer
audit_ws integer
Indexes on actor_usr_history
aud_actor_usr_hist_id_idx id
audit_id bigint
audit_time timestamp with time zone
audit_action text
audit_user integer
audit_ws integer
id integer
card integer
profile integer
usrname text
email text
passwd text
standing integer
ident_type integer
ident_value text
ident_type2 integer
ident_value2 text
net_access_level integer
photo_url text
prefix text
first_given_name text
second_given_name text
family_name text
suffix text
day_phone text
evening_phone text
other_phone text
mailing_address integer
billing_address integer
home_ou integer
dob timestamp with time zone
active boolean
master_account boolean
super_user boolean
barred boolean
deleted boolean
usrgroup integer
claims_returned_count integer
credit_forward_balance numeric(6,2)
last_xact_id text
alert_message text
create_date timestamp with time zone
expire_date timestamp with time zone
alias text
juvenile boolean
claims_never_checked_out_count integer
last_update_time timestamp with time zone
audit_id bigint PRIMARY KEY
audit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
id bigint NOT NULL
creator bigint NOT NULL
create_date timestamp with time zone
editor bigint NOT NULL
edit_date timestamp with time zone
record bigint NOT NULL
owning_lib integer NOT NULL
label text NOT NULL
deleted boolean NOT NULL
label_class bigint
label_sortkey text
prefix integer NOT NULL DEFAULT (-1)
suffix integer NOT NULL DEFAULT (-1)
audit_user integer
audit_ws integer
Indexes on asset_call_number_history
aud_asset_cn_hist_creator_idx creator
aud_asset_cn_hist_editor_idx editor
audit_id bigint
audit_time timestamp with time zone
audit_action text
audit_user integer
audit_ws integer
id bigint
creator bigint
create_date timestamp with time zone
editor bigint
edit_date timestamp with time zone
record bigint
owning_lib integer
label text
deleted boolean
label_class bigint
label_sortkey text
prefix integer
suffix integer
audit_id bigint PRIMARY KEY
audit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
id bigint NOT NULL
circ_lib integer NOT NULL
creator bigint NOT NULL
call_number bigint NOT NULL
editor bigint NOT NULL
create_date timestamp with time zone
edit_date timestamp with time zone
copy_number integer
status integer NOT NULL
location integer NOT NULL
loan_duration integer NOT NULL
fine_level integer NOT NULL
age_protect integer
circulate boolean NOT NULL
deposit boolean NOT NULL
ref boolean NOT NULL
holdable boolean NOT NULL
deposit_amount numeric(6,2) NOT NULL
price numeric(8,2)
barcode text NOT NULL
circ_modifier text
circ_as_type text
dummy_title text
dummy_author text
alert_message text
opac_visible boolean NOT NULL
deleted boolean NOT NULL
dummy_isbn text
status_changed_time timestamp with time zone
mint_condition boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true
floating boolean
cost numeric(8,2)
active_date timestamp with time zone
audit_user integer
audit_ws integer
Indexes on asset_copy_history
aud_asset_cp_hist_creator_idx creator
aud_asset_cp_hist_editor_idx editor
audit_id bigint
audit_time timestamp with time zone
audit_action text
audit_user integer
audit_ws integer
id bigint
circ_lib integer
creator bigint
call_number bigint
editor bigint
create_date timestamp with time zone
edit_date timestamp with time zone
copy_number integer
status integer
location integer
loan_duration integer
fine_level integer
age_protect integer
circulate boolean
deposit boolean
ref boolean
holdable boolean
deposit_amount numeric(6,2)
price numeric(8,2)
barcode text
circ_modifier text
circ_as_type text
dummy_title text
dummy_author text
alert_message text
opac_visible boolean
deleted boolean
dummy_isbn text
status_changed_time timestamp with time zone
mint_condition boolean
floating boolean
cost numeric(8,2)
active_date timestamp with time zone
audit_id bigint PRIMARY KEY
audit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
id bigint NOT NULL
creator integer NOT NULL
editor integer NOT NULL
source integer
quality integer
create_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
edit_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
active boolean NOT NULL
deleted boolean NOT NULL
fingerprint text
tcn_source text NOT NULL
tcn_value text NOT NULL
marc text NOT NULL
last_xact_id text NOT NULL
owner integer
share_depth integer
audit_user integer
audit_ws integer
Indexes on biblio_record_entry_history
aud_bib_rec_entry_hist_creator_idx creator
aud_bib_rec_entry_hist_editor_idx editor
audit_id bigint
audit_time timestamp with time zone
audit_action text
audit_user integer
audit_ws integer
id bigint
creator integer
editor integer
source integer
quality integer
create_date timestamp with time zone
edit_date timestamp with time zone
active boolean
deleted boolean
fingerprint text
tcn_source text
tcn_value text
marc text
last_xact_id text
owner integer
share_depth integer
audit_id bigint PRIMARY KEY
audit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
id bigint NOT NULL
circ_lib integer NOT NULL
creator bigint NOT NULL
call_number bigint NOT NULL
editor bigint NOT NULL
create_date timestamp with time zone
edit_date timestamp with time zone
copy_number integer
status integer NOT NULL
location integer NOT NULL
loan_duration integer NOT NULL
fine_level integer NOT NULL
age_protect integer
circulate boolean NOT NULL
deposit boolean NOT NULL
ref boolean NOT NULL
holdable boolean NOT NULL
deposit_amount numeric(6,2) NOT NULL
price numeric(8,2)
barcode text NOT NULL
circ_modifier text
circ_as_type text
dummy_title text
dummy_author text
alert_message text
opac_visible boolean NOT NULL
deleted boolean NOT NULL
dummy_isbn text
status_changed_time timestamp with time zone
mint_condition boolean NOT NULL
floating boolean NOT NULL
cost numeric(8,2)
sort_key text
detailed_contents text NOT NULL
summary_contents text NOT NULL
active_date timestamp with time zone
audit_user integer
audit_ws integer
Indexes on serial_unit_history
aud_serial_unit_hist_creator_idx creator
aud_serial_unit_hist_editor_idx editor
audit_id bigint
audit_time timestamp with time zone
audit_action text
audit_user integer
audit_ws integer
id bigint
circ_lib integer
creator bigint
call_number bigint
editor bigint
create_date timestamp with time zone
edit_date timestamp with time zone
copy_number integer
status integer
location integer
loan_duration integer
fine_level integer
age_protect integer
circulate boolean
deposit boolean
ref boolean
holdable boolean
deposit_amount numeric(6,2)
price numeric(8,2)
barcode text
circ_modifier text
circ_as_type text
dummy_title text
dummy_author text
alert_message text
opac_visible boolean
deleted boolean
dummy_isbn text
status_changed_time timestamp with time zone
mint_condition boolean
floating boolean
cost numeric(8,2)
sort_key text
detailed_contents text
summary_contents text
active_date timestamp with time zone