Schema serial

Table: basic_summary


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
distribution : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES serial.distribution.
generated_coverage : text -- NOT NULL,
textual_holdings : text --
show_generated : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT true,


serial_basic_summary_dist_idx : distribution

Table: caption_and_pattern


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
subscription : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES serial.subscription.
type : text -- NOT NULL,
create_date : timestamp with time zone -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT now(),
start_date : timestamp with time zone -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT now(),
end_date : timestamp with time zone --
active : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT false,
pattern_code : text -- NOT NULL,
enum_1 : text --
enum_2 : text --
enum_3 : text --
enum_4 : text --
enum_5 : text --
enum_6 : text --
chron_1 : text --
chron_2 : text --
chron_3 : text --
chron_4 : text --
chron_5 : text --


cap_type : CHECK ((type = ANY (ARRAY['basic'::text, 'supplement'::text, 'index'::text])))


serial_caption_and_pattern_sub_idx : subscription

Tables referencing serial.issuance via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: distribution


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
record_entry : bigint -- REFERENCES serial.record_entry.
summary_method : text --
subscription : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES serial.subscription.
holding_lib : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES actor.org_unit.
label : text -- NOT NULL,
receive_call_number : bigint -- REFERENCES asset.call_number.
receive_unit_template : integer -- REFERENCES asset.copy_template.
bind_call_number : bigint -- REFERENCES asset.call_number.
bind_unit_template : integer -- REFERENCES asset.copy_template.
unit_label_prefix : text --
unit_label_suffix : text --


sdist_summary_method_check : CHECK (((summary_method IS NULL) OR (summary_method = ANY (ARRAY['add_to_sre'::text, 'merge_with_sre'::text, 'use_sre_only'::text, 'use_sdist_only'::text]))))


serial_distribution_holding_lib_idx : holding_lib
serial_distribution_sub_idx : subscription

Tables referencing serial.basic_summary via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: distribution_note


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
distribution : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES serial.distribution.
creator : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES actor.usr.
create_date : timestamp with time zone -- DEFAULT now(),
pub : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT false,
title : text -- NOT NULL,
value : text -- NOT NULL,


serial_distribution_note_dist_idx : distribution

Table: index_summary


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
distribution : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES serial.distribution.
generated_coverage : text -- NOT NULL,
textual_holdings : text --
show_generated : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT true,


serial_index_summary_dist_idx : distribution

Table: issuance


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
creator : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES actor.usr.
editor : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES actor.usr.
create_date : timestamp with time zone -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT now(),
edit_date : timestamp with time zone -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT now(),
subscription : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES serial.subscription.
label : text --
date_published : timestamp with time zone --
caption_and_pattern : integer -- REFERENCES serial.caption_and_pattern.
holding_code : text --
holding_type : text --
holding_link_id : integer --


valid_holding_type : CHECK (((holding_type IS NULL) OR (holding_type = ANY (ARRAY['basic'::text, 'supplement'::text, 'index'::text]))))


serial_issuance_caption_and_pattern_idx : caption_and_pattern
serial_issuance_date_published_idx : date_published
serial_issuance_sub_idx : subscription

Tables referencing serial.item via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: item


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
creator : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES actor.usr.
editor : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES actor.usr.
create_date : timestamp with time zone -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT now(),
edit_date : timestamp with time zone -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT now(),
issuance : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES serial.issuance.
stream : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES
unit : integer -- REFERENCES serial.unit.
uri : integer -- REFERENCES asset.uri.
date_expected : timestamp with time zone --
date_received : timestamp with time zone --
status : text -- DEFAULT 'Expected'::text,
shadowed : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT false,


valid_status : CHECK ((status = ANY (ARRAY['Bindery'::text, 'Bound'::text, 'Claimed'::text, 'Discarded'::text, 'Expected'::text, 'Not Held'::text, 'Not Published'::text, 'Received'::text])))


serial_item_date_received_idx : date_received
serial_item_issuance_idx : issuance
serial_item_status_idx : status
serial_item_stream_idx : stream
serial_item_unit_idx : unit
serial_item_uri_idx : uri

Tables referencing acq.serial_claim via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: item_note


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
item : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES serial.item.
creator : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES actor.usr.
create_date : timestamp with time zone -- DEFAULT now(),
pub : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT false,
title : text -- NOT NULL,
value : text -- NOT NULL,


serial_item_note_item_idx : item

Table: record_entry


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : bigserial -- PRIMARY KEY,
record : bigint -- REFERENCES biblio.record_entry.
owning_lib : integer -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT 1, REFERENCES actor.org_unit.
creator : integer -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT 1,
editor : integer -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT 1,
source : integer --
create_date : timestamp with time zone -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT now(),
edit_date : timestamp with time zone -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT now(),
active : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT true,
deleted : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT false,
marc : text --
last_xact_id : text -- NOT NULL,


serial_record_entry_creator_idx : creator
serial_record_entry_editor_idx : editor
serial_record_entry_owning_lib_idx : owning_lib, deleted

Tables referencing serial.distribution via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: routing_list_user


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
stream : integer -- UNIQUE#1, NOT NULL, REFERENCES
pos : integer -- UNIQUE#1, NOT NULL, DEFAULT 1,
reader : integer -- REFERENCES actor.usr.
department : text --
note : text --


reader_or_dept : CHECK ((((reader IS NOT NULL) AND (department IS NULL)) OR ((reader IS NULL) AND (department IS NOT NULL))))


serial_routing_list_user_reader_idx : reader
serial_routing_list_user_stream_idx : stream

Table: stream


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
distribution : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES serial.distribution.
routing_label : text --


serial_stream_dist_idx : distribution

Tables referencing serial.item via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: subscription


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
owning_lib : integer -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT 1, REFERENCES actor.org_unit.
start_date : timestamp with time zone -- NOT NULL,
end_date : timestamp with time zone --
record_entry : bigint -- REFERENCES biblio.record_entry.
expected_date_offset : interval --


serial_subscription_owner_idx : owning_lib
serial_subscription_record_idx : record_entry

Tables referencing serial.caption_and_pattern via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: subscription_note


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
subscription : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES serial.subscription.
creator : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES actor.usr.
create_date : timestamp with time zone -- DEFAULT now(),
pub : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT false,
title : text -- NOT NULL,
value : text -- NOT NULL,


serial_subscription_note_sub_idx : subscription

Table: supplement_summary


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
distribution : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES serial.distribution.
generated_coverage : text -- NOT NULL,
textual_holdings : text --
show_generated : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT true,


serial_supplement_summary_dist_idx : distribution

Table: unit


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : bigint -- PRIMARY KEY, DEFAULT nextval('asset.copy_id_seq'::regclass),
circ_lib : integer -- NOT NULL,
creator : bigint -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES actor.usr.
call_number : bigint -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES asset.call_number.
editor : bigint -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES actor.usr.
create_date : timestamp with time zone -- DEFAULT now(),
edit_date : timestamp with time zone -- DEFAULT now(),
copy_number : integer --
status : integer -- NOT NULL,
location : integer -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT 1,
loan_duration : integer -- NOT NULL,
fine_level : integer -- NOT NULL,
age_protect : integer --
circulate : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT true,
deposit : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT false,
ref : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT false,
holdable : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT true,
deposit_amount : numeric(6,2) -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT 0.00,
price : numeric(8,2) --
barcode : text -- NOT NULL,
circ_modifier : text --
circ_as_type : text --
dummy_title : text --
dummy_author : text --
alert_message : text --
opac_visible : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT true,
deleted : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT false,
floating : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT false,
dummy_isbn : text --
status_changed_time : timestamp with time zone --
active_date : timestamp with time zone --
mint_condition : boolean -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT true,
cost : numeric(8,2) --
sort_key : text --
detailed_contents : text -- NOT NULL,
summary_contents : text -- NOT NULL,


copy_fine_level_check : CHECK ((fine_level = ANY (ARRAY[1, 2, 3])))
copy_loan_duration_check : CHECK ((loan_duration = ANY (ARRAY[1, 2, 3])))


unit_avail_cn_idx : call_number
unit_cn_idx : call_number
unit_creator_idx : creator
unit_editor_idx : editor

Tables referencing serial.item via Foreign Key Constraints: 


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Documentation for Evergreen version 2.2
Copyright © 2007-2012, Memebers of the Evergreen Project