Schema metabib

Table: author_field_entry


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : bigserial -- PRIMARY KEY,
source : bigint -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES biblio.record_entry.
field : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES config.metabib_field.
value : text -- NOT NULL,
index_vector : tsvector -- NOT NULL,


metabib_author_field_entry_index_vector_idx : index_vector
metabib_author_field_entry_source_idx : source
metabib_author_field_entry_value_idx : "substring"(value, 1, 1024)) WHERE ((index_vector)::pg_catalog.tsvector = ((''::pg_catalog.tsvector)::tsvector)::pg_catalog.tsvector

Table: facet_entry


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : bigserial -- PRIMARY KEY,
source : bigint -- NOT NULL,
field : integer -- NOT NULL,
value : text -- NOT NULL,


metabib_facet_entry_field_idx : field
metabib_facet_entry_source_idx : source
metabib_facet_entry_value_idx : "substring"(value, 1, 1024)

View: full_rec


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : bigint --
record : bigint --
tag : character(3) --
ind1 : text --
ind2 : text --
subfield : text --
value : text --
index_vector : tsvector --

Table: identifier_field_entry


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : bigserial -- PRIMARY KEY,
source : bigint -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES biblio.record_entry.
field : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES config.metabib_field.
value : text -- NOT NULL,
index_vector : tsvector -- NOT NULL,


metabib_identifier_field_entry_index_vector_idx : index_vector
metabib_identifier_field_entry_source_idx : source
metabib_identifier_field_entry_value_idx : "substring"(value, 1, 1024)) WHERE ((index_vector)::pg_catalog.tsvector = ((''::pg_catalog.tsvector)::tsvector)::pg_catalog.tsvector

Table: keyword_field_entry


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : bigserial -- PRIMARY KEY,
source : bigint -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES biblio.record_entry.
field : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES config.metabib_field.
value : text -- NOT NULL,
index_vector : tsvector -- NOT NULL,


metabib_keyword_field_entry_index_vector_idx : index_vector
metabib_keyword_field_entry_source_idx : source
metabib_keyword_field_entry_value_idx : "substring"(value, 1, 1024)) WHERE ((index_vector)::pg_catalog.tsvector = ((''::pg_catalog.tsvector)::tsvector)::pg_catalog.tsvector

Table: metarecord


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : bigserial -- PRIMARY KEY,
fingerprint : text -- NOT NULL,
master_record : bigint -- REFERENCES biblio.record_entry.
mods : text --


metabib_metarecord_fingerprint_idx : fingerprint
metabib_metarecord_master_record_idx : master_record

Tables referencing metabib.metarecord_source_map via Foreign Key Constraints: 


Table: metarecord_source_map


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : bigserial -- PRIMARY KEY,
metarecord : bigint -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES metabib.metarecord.
source : bigint -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES biblio.record_entry.


metabib_metarecord_source_map_metarecord_idx : metarecord
metabib_metarecord_source_map_source_record_idx : source

Table: real_full_rec


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : bigint -- PRIMARY KEY, DEFAULT nextval('metabib.full_rec_id_seq'::regclass),
record : bigint -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES biblio.record_entry.
tag : character(3) -- NOT NULL,
ind1 : text --
ind2 : text --
subfield : text --
value : text -- NOT NULL,
index_vector : tsvector -- NOT NULL,


metabib_full_rec_index_vector_idx : index_vector
metabib_full_rec_isxn_caseless_idx : lower(value)) WHERE (tag = ANY (ARRAY['020'::bpchar, '022'::bpchar, '024'::bpchar])
metabib_full_rec_record_idx : record
metabib_full_rec_tag_subfield_idx : tag, subfield
metabib_full_rec_value_idx : "substring"(value, 1, 1024)
metabib_full_rec_value_tpo_index : "substring"(value, 1, 1024) text_pattern_ops

View: rec_descriptor


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : bigint --
record : bigint --
item_type : text --
item_form : text --
bib_level : text --
control_type : text --
char_encoding : text --
enc_level : text --
audience : text --
lit_form : text --
type_mat : text --
cat_form : text --
pub_status : text --
item_lang : text --
vr_format : text --
date1 : text --
date2 : text --

Table: record_attr


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : bigint -- PRIMARY KEY, REFERENCES biblio.record_entry.
attrs : hstore -- NOT NULL, DEFAULT ''::hstore,


metabib_svf_attrs_idx : attrs
metabib_svf_date1_idx : ((attrs -> 'date1'::text))
metabib_svf_dates_idx : ((attrs -> 'date1'::text)), ((attrs -> 'date2'::text))

Table: series_field_entry


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : bigserial -- PRIMARY KEY,
source : bigint -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES biblio.record_entry.
field : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES config.metabib_field.
value : text -- NOT NULL,
index_vector : tsvector -- NOT NULL,


metabib_series_field_entry_index_vector_idx : index_vector
metabib_series_field_entry_source_idx : source
metabib_series_field_entry_value_idx : "substring"(value, 1, 1024)) WHERE ((index_vector)::pg_catalog.tsvector = ((''::pg_catalog.tsvector)::tsvector)::pg_catalog.tsvector

Table: subject_field_entry


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : bigserial -- PRIMARY KEY,
source : bigint -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES biblio.record_entry.
field : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES config.metabib_field.
value : text -- NOT NULL,
index_vector : tsvector -- NOT NULL,


metabib_subject_field_entry_index_vector_idx : index_vector
metabib_subject_field_entry_source_idx : source
metabib_subject_field_entry_value_idx : "substring"(value, 1, 1024)) WHERE ((index_vector)::pg_catalog.tsvector = ((''::pg_catalog.tsvector)::tsvector)::pg_catalog.tsvector

Table: title_field_entry


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : bigserial -- PRIMARY KEY,
source : bigint -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES biblio.record_entry.
field : integer -- NOT NULL, REFERENCES config.metabib_field.
value : text -- NOT NULL,
index_vector : tsvector -- NOT NULL,


metabib_title_field_entry_index_vector_idx : index_vector
metabib_title_field_entry_source_idx : source
metabib_title_field_entry_value_idx : "substring"(value, 1, 1024)) WHERE ((index_vector)::pg_catalog.tsvector = ((''::pg_catalog.tsvector)::tsvector)::pg_catalog.tsvector


Function Properties
Language: PLPGSQL
Return Type: trigger

reingest_metabib_field_entries(bib_id bigint)

Function Properties
Language: PLPGSQL
Return Type: void

reingest_metabib_full_rec(bib_id bigint)

Function Properties
Language: PLPGSQL
Return Type: void

remap_metarecord_for_bib(fp bigint, bib_id text)

Function Properties
Language: PLPGSQL
Return Type: bigint

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Documentation for Evergreen version 2.2
Copyright © 2007-2012, Memebers of the Evergreen Project