Starting Evergreen

  1. As the root Linux account, start the memcached and ejabberd services (if they aren’t already running):

    /etc/init.d/ejabberd start
    /etc/init.d/memcached start
  2. As the opensrf Linux account, start Evergreen. The -l flag in the following command is only necessary if you want to force Evergreen to treat the hostname as localhost; if you configured opensrf.xml using the real hostname of your machine as returned by perl -ENet::Domain 'print Net::Domain::hostfqdn() . "\n";', you should not use the -l flag. -l -a start_all
    • If you receive the error message bash: command not found, then your environment variable PATH does not include the /openils/bin directory; this should have been set in the opensrf Linux account’s .bashrc configuration file. To manually set the PATH variable, edit the configuration file ~/.bashrc as the opensrf Linux account and add the following line:

      export PATH=$PATH:/openils/bin
  3. As the opensrf Linux account, generate the Web files needed by the staff client and catalogue and update the organization unit proximity (you need to do this the first time you start Evergreen, and after that each time you change the library hierarchy in config.cgi): -u
  4. As the root Linux account, restart the Apache Web server:

    /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

    If the Apache Web server was running when you started the OpenSRF services, you might not be able to successfully log in to the OPAC or staff client until the Apache Web server is restarted.