Currency Types

Currency types can be created and applied to funds in the administrative module. When a fund is applied to a copy or line item for purchase, the item will be purchased in the currency associated with that fund.

Create a currency type

  1. To create a new currency type, click Admin → Server Administration → Acquisitions → Currency types.
  2. Enter the currency code. No limits exist on the number of characters that can be entered in this field.
  3. Enter the name of the currency type in Currency Label field. No limits exist on the number of characters that can be entered in this field.
  4. Click Save.

Edit a currency type

  1. To edit a currency type, click your cursor in the row that you want to edit. The row will turn blue.
  2. Doubleclick. The popup box will appear, and you can edit the fields.
  3. After making changes, click Save.


From the currency types interface, you can delete currencies that have never been applied to funds or used to make purchases.