Authority fields indicate the tags and subfields that should be entered in the
authority record. Authority fields also enable you to specify the type of data
that should be entered in a tag. For example, in an authority record governed
by a Library of Congress control set, the 100 tag would contain a "Heading -
Personal Name." Authority fields also enable you to create the corresponding
tag in the bibliographic record that would contain the same data.
To create an Authority Field:
Click Admin → Server Administration → Authorities → Control Sets.
Click Authority Fields. The number in parentheses indicates the number of
authority fields that have been created for the control set.
Click New Authority Field.
Add a Name to the authority field. Enter any number of characters.
Add a Description to describe the type of data that should be entered in
this tag. Enter any number of characters.
Select a Main Entry if you are linking the tag(s) to another entry.
Add a tag in the authority record.
Add a subfield in the authority record. Multiple subfields should be entered
without commas or spaces.
Click Save.
Create the corresponding tag in the bibliographic record that should contain
this information. Click the None link in the Controlled Bib Fields column.
Click New Control Set Bib Field.
Add the corresponding tag in the bibiographic record.
Click Save.