Organizational Units

Organizational Units are the specific instances of the organization unit types that make up your library’s hierarchy. These will have distinctive proper names such as Main Street Branch or Townsville Campus.

Remove or edit default Organizational Units

After installing the Evergreen software, the default CONS, SYS1, BR1, etc., organizational units remain. These must be removed or edited to reflect actual library entities.

Create and edit Organizational Units

  1. Open Administration > Server Administration > Organizational Units.
  2. In the left panel, expand the the Organizational Units hierarchy, select a unit.
  3. A form opens in the right panel, displaying the data for the selected organizational unit.
  4. To edit the existing, default organizational unit, enter system or library specific data in the form; complete all three tabs: Main Settings, Hours of Operation, Addresses.
  5. Click Save.

To create a new dependent organizational unit, click New Child. The new child will appear in the hierarchy list below the parent unit. Click on the new unit and edit the data, click Save

Organizational Unit data

The Addresses tab allows you to enter library contact information. Library Phone number, email address, and addresses are used in patron email notifications, hold slips, and transit slips. The Library address tab is broken out into four address types: Physical Address, Holds Address, Mailing Address, ILL Address.

The Hours of Operation tab is where you enter regular, weekly hours. Holiday and other closures are set in the Closed Dates Editor. Hours of operation and closed dates impact due dates and fine accrual.

After Changing Organization Unit Data

After you change Org Unit data, you must run the script. This script updates the Evergreen organization tree and fieldmapper IDL. You will get unpredictable results if you don’t run this after making changes.

Run this script as the opensrf Linux account.

Set closed dates using the Closed Dates Editor

These dates are in addition to your regular weekly closed days (see the section called “Library Hours of Operation”). Both regular closed days and those entered in the Closed Dates Editor affect due dates and fines:

  • Due dates. Due dates that would fall on closed days are automatically pushed forward to the next open day. Likewise, if an item is checked out at 8pm, for example, and would normally be due on a day when the library closes before 8pm, Evergreen pushes the due date forward to the next open day.
  • Overdue fines. Overdue fines may not be charged on days when the library is closed. This fine behavior depends on how the Charge fines on overdue circulations when closed setting is configured in the Library Settings Editor.

Closed dates do not affect the processing delays for Action/Triggers. For example, if your library has a trigger event that marks items as lost after 30 days, that 30 day period will include both open and closed dates.

Adding a closure

  1. Select Administration > Local Administration.
  2. Select Closed Dates Editor.
  3. Select type of closure: typically Single Day or Multiple Day.
  4. Click the Calendar gadget to select the All Day date or starting and ending dates.
  5. Enter a Reason for closure (optional).
  6. Click Apply to all of my libraries if your organizational unit has children units that will also be closed.
  7. Click Save.

Now that your organizational structure is established, you can begin configuring permissions for the staff users of your Evergreen system.

Detailed closure

If your closed dates include a portion of a business day, you should create a detailed closing.

  1. Select Administration → Local Administration.
  2. Select Closed Dates Editor.
  3. Select Add Detailed Closing.
  4. Enter applicable dates, times, and a descriptive reason for the closing.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Check the Apply to all of my libraries box if your library is a multi-branch system and the closing applies to all of your branches.