Make sure all the settings are correct, then press Upload.
The screen displays "Uploading… Processing…" to show that the records are being transferred to the server, then displays a progress bar to show the actual import progress. When the staff client displays the progress bar, you can disconnect your staff client safely. Very large batches of records might time out at this stage.
If you are importing authorities from an external vendor and want to track this, you may wish to set a unique Record Source. This source will be visible in the MARC Editor and in the 901$s field of the imported authority records.
Evergreen’s database stores normalized authority headings in a format that includes the thesaurus. This way, record match sets will not match terms from other thesauri, even if the term is very similar.
Evergreen’s internal identifier is in the 901c field. If you have previously exported authority record — perhaps for an external vendor to do authority cleanup work — and you want to import them back into your catalog, you may wish to include the 901c field in your match set.