Chapter 7. Evergreen 2.12.8
This release contains several bug fixes improving on Evergreen 2.12.7:
Many patron fields have been redacted from the web staff client’s patron
and record holds grids, leaving patron name, username, and ID.
Fixes two bugs where patron records could fail to be saved upon editing.
The patron summary in the web staff client now correctly displays
primary and secondary ID values.
Patron barcode search completion in the web staff client now allows
the user to select from all of the matching patron records.
The web staff print templates for current and historical bills can
now include copy barcode and title.
Fixes a bug that resulted in some catalog searches unexpectedly
timing out.
Fixes a bug where placing a hold request in the public catalog could result
in "forgetting" the type and library of the user’s previous search.
Fixes a bug that made using the volume/copy editor to change a copy’s
price problematic.
The administration interface for hard due dates now ensures that
new (or edited) ceiling dates have their time component set to end
of day, resolving an issue where ceiling dates would not be applied
during the ceiling date itself.
Asset merging during bibliographic record merging now correctly
recognizes call number prefixes and suffixes and deletes disused
call number records.
The Concerto sample data set now includes data allowing for testing
placing holds on monographic parts.
Fixes a bug where displaying user surveys could result in PCRUD
drone starvation.
Fixes a bug where pg_restore of an Evergreen database could fail
to create certain indexes on the
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code,
tests and documentation patches to the 2.12.8 point release of
Alex Cautley
Ben Shum
Bill Erickson
Cesar Velez
Chris Sharp
Galen Charlton
Jason Boyer
Jason Stephenson
Jeff Davis
Jeff Godin
Kathy Lussier
Kyle Huckins
Michele Morgan
Mike Rylander
Remington Steed
Rogan Hamby