Chapter 115. Offline Transactions

Table of Contents

Patron Registration
Checking Out Items
In-house Use
Check In
Uploading Offline Transactions
Creating an Offline Session
Uploading Workstation Transactions to a Session
Processing the Transactions

Evergreen’s Standalone Interface / Offline Interface is designed to log transactions during network outage, which can be uploaded and processed once network operations are restored.

The terms Offline Interface and Standalone Interface mean the same thing: a separate program to handle simple circulation tasks while the network is down.

To access the Offline Interface, navigate to the Staff Client login screen and click Standalone Interface. The Evergreen Standalone Interface window opens.

Patron Registration

Patron registration on the Evergreen Offline Interface records the minimum patron information necessary to register a new patron.

All of the fields, except for Line 2 of Billing Address, on the Patron Registration screen are required. If your library does not record information for any field, you need to work out a standard fake value for it, for example, 1900-01-01 for Date of Birth.

The account password is automatically generated. Patrons can access their account with the password after the offline transactions are uploaded and processed.

To register a patron:

  1. Click Register Patron on the top menu bar. The Patron Registration window opens.
  2. Fill in the form with patron information, using the drop down list if available.
  3. Click Save patron registration. A confirmation dialog opens.
  4. Click OK to finish registering the patron.