Chapter 4. Evergreen 2.11.8
This release contains several bug fixes improving on Evergreen 2.11.7.
Hides the Hold is Behind Circ Desk checkbox in the XUL client’s patron
registration screen for those libraries that have not enabled Behind Desk Pickup
support via the Library Settings Editor
Adds a missing error string that appears when marking an item damaged from
an aged circulation.
Changes the hold request form so that it no longer defaults to the first SMS
carrier for text notifications.
Adds a requirement for users to enter a phone/SMS number when they have
enabled that notification method on the hold request form.
Changes the URL pointing to catalog images, CSS and javascript files to a full
absolute URL instead of the relative URL previously used. This change fixes an
issue with the Open Graph image property, which requires a full URL.
Fixes an issue where payment amounts sent to Stripe can be one cent less than
the actual Evergreen payment.
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code,
tests and documentation patches to the 2.11.8 point release of
Michele Morgan
Dan Scott
Chris Sharp
Josh Stompro
Cesar Velez