Chapter 10. Evergreen 2.11.2
This release contains several bugfixes improving on Evergreen 2.11.1
A fix to the web client patron interface that changed the holds count in the
patron summary from total / available to available / total.
A fix to an issue where the Closed Dates Editor was displaying an extra day of
A fix to the Closed Dates Editor so that it now displays "All Day" when the
library is closed for the entire day.
A fix to properly format LC Call numbers in spine label printing.
A fix to a bug that was causing intermittent search failures.
A fix to a bug that was causing search failures for Copy Location Group
A fix to significant increased slowness with holds transfers.
The addition of an index to the action.aged_circulation table to resolve a
problem with long-running queries.
A fix to redirects that for one-hit metarecord searches for systems that
have enabled the setting to immediately jump to a bib record on one-hit searches.
A fix to the new acquisitions cost field available in the copy editor to
resolve an issue where accidentally clearing out the value in the field resulted
in an error.
A fix to a bug that broke the Alternate Printable Hold Pull List and Vandelay
uploads on systems that were running OpenSRF 2.5.
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code,
testing and documentation patches to the 2.11.1 point release of
Galen Charlton
Bill Erickson
Kyle Huckins
Jeanette Lundgren
Michele Morgan
Dan Pearl
Michelle Purcell
Mike Rylander
Jane Sandberg
Dan Scott
Chris Sharp
Remington Steed